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Are you using the Scientix portal? Have you attended a Scientix-related event? Do you benefit from the project’s existence and does it help you to develop lesson plans or experiment with new ideas in the classroom? We want to hear from you! From September to December 2015, we will look at all the achievements of Scientix up to now, collect testimonials from real users and use all that data to develop the project’s next phase. Share your story with the world, and tell us what you are doing to get students inspired about STEM subjects and careers. Is your class constructing a balloon and sending it to the stratosphere, or is it designing a parking garage using mathematical formulae and engineering thinking? Use social media to post your story and add #ScientixWorks. 16 to 20 November 2015 will be a Scientix Week, celebrating the project’s success and addressing the need for its continuation! |
#ScientixWorks Tweets |
Don't miss our online debates with Debating Europe!
- 12 November 2015: Can teachers educate and inspire tomorrow’s innovators to foster skills for an innovative society?
- 19 November 2015: The ideal science classroom/methodology for inspiring 11-14 year olds?
- 10 December 2015: Collaboration in STEM education
DOWNLOAD OUR NEW INTERACTIVE E-BOOK This brand new e-book is a fun read for anyone who would like to know us through a graphic and easily understandable presentation in less than 5 minutes. Click on the image to download it and explore its excellent interactive abilities! |
Press release: Scientix connects STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education to the real world This press release was sent on 16 November 2015, at the start of the Scientix week to introduce the theme of the upcoming Eminent event in Barcelona 19 and 20 November 2015 "STEM in Education and Life". Teachers inspire future scientists Marc Durando, Executive Director of European Schoolnet, writes about the role of STEM teachers and education in training our future scientists. This article is published by the Parliament Magazine on 16 November 2015 on page 35. Read the online version of the magazine here. How teachers turn Europe into a leading hub for innovation and research An opinion article written by Marc Durando, the Executive Director of European Schoolnet, for the Euractiv news site on STEM education in Europe. This article highlights the importance of projects and investments in STEM education. |
EMINENT 2015: STEM in education and life! |
EMINENT is the Experts Meeting in Education Networking annual event organised by European Schoolnet (EUN). It brings experts in education, Ministries representatives and other stakeholders to discuss the latest trends in education and technology. EMINENT 2015 will be focused on Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) in Education and Life and will be organised in collaboration with Scientix, as well as the Department of Education of Catalonia, in Barcelona on 19 and 20 November 2015. |
NEW! This publication contains all the main results and achiements of the second phase of the Scientix project. A strongly recommended read! |
The 2nd Scientix Conference took place from 24-26 October 2014 in Brussels. This publication is an overview of the activities, providing details on every workshop, talk and roundtable organised. |
Originally published in October 2014, this booklet will give you an overview of what Scientix is and does, and how you can get involved in our community as a teacher, researcher or policy maker. |