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Spice Communities of Practice

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  • [Spice CoP] 1 - Assessment in IBSME

    New teaching methodologies involve new techniques to get students to learn about science. These methodologies are being used by more and more teachers. But what about the assessment? Following IBSME classes, should it not be reflected in the assessment of the knowledge acquired as well?
    0 Categories 2 Threads
  • [Spice CoP] 2 - IBSME: school and teacher collaboration

    Today´s Europe tries to develop a sustainable scientific culture that meets society’s requirements for more scientifically & technologically skilled workers. Teaching of MST subjects at primary and secondary schools must be based on innovative pedagogical practice, specially those based on inquiry-based learning, to enhance pupil motivation for science studies. The topic of this community of practice is to involve teachers in a discussion about how to effectively collaborate and share good and innovative practices and teaching materials among European teachers and schools.
    0 Categories 5 Threads
  • [Spice CoP] 3 - Collaboration with informal education

    Science is all around us! * Extra curricular activities * Mass media * Science Centres, Museums
    0 Categories 3 Threads
  • [Spice CoP] 4 - IBSME: women in science

    Girls perform equally as males in science up to adolescence, then they begin to exhibit less confidence in their science ability. Parents, culture and traditional roles can negatively influence the perception of science in women. The topic of this community of practice is to involve teachers in investigating new teaching methodologies to fight the gap of women in science. Science can empower women and help remove the barrier of negative attitude. To explore different approaches, from hands-on to learning by teaching, it helps teachers to find the key to motivate women to study and make science their career.
    0 Categories 5 Threads
  • [Spice CoP] 5 - Other topics

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