
INDIRE: National Institute for Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research

INDIRE is a public research institute to improve the quality of the Italian educational system.

The Institute represents Italy in the European Schoolnet Steering Committee and works in close collaboration with the 19 School Regional Offices and with the school administrations of the Italian regions. INDIRE collaborates with the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research in the management of EU projects (e.g. iTEC, inGenious, CPDLab, Living Schools Lab, Creative Classrooms Lab).


The Institute organises professional training courses for teachers and school personnel, promoting constructivist instructional design principles. INDIRE also manages the Digital School Plan project aiming at creating a new open learning environment embedded in ICT. Other responsibilities include a nation-wide documentation system of research and innovation in education and teaching.

The Institute is responsible for implementation of the Erasmus Plus programme in Italy, the Italian Eurydice Unit and the eTwinning National Support Service.