20th Science Projects Workshop in the Future Classroom Lab

The 20th Science Projects Workshop in the Future Classroom Lab, organised by the Scientix and the BLOOM projects, took place in Brussels in March 2018, from Friday 02 (starting time: 19:30) to Sunday 04 (end ~13:30h).

In total 30 participants, including 22 teachers from 14 countries joined the event.

After a common programme including an excellent introduction to Bioeconomy by Jelle van Leeuwen, Researcher Biorefinery from Wageningen Food & Biobased Research, participants were split depending on the project they are working on:

The 10 BLOOM pilot teacher coordinators from Sweden, Italy, Austria, Greece, Croatia, Israel, Portugal, Poland, Spain and Belgium, have started working on the learning scenarios integrating bioconomy in STEM classes which will become public in 2019.

The Scientix  participants (12 Scientix ambassadors that have been helping Scientix and STEM education in numerous occassions during the last few months) learned about how to integrate new technologies and rethink education from the sugegstions in European Schoolnet's Future Classroom Lab, played with the eConfidence games, discussed about Shared Leadership, learned about The Nature of Science and Scientific Inquiry, and more.

See the weekend's programme here.



 Note: this page will be constantly updated until all presentations are collected and published