About the project
The overarching objective of the SEER project is to provide a set of roadmaps that will pave the way for the policy and institutional changes necessary for the large-scale implementation and mainstreaming of STE(A)M education in Europe.
To achieve this far-reaching goal, the SEER will synthesise the status of STE(A)M Education and evaluate national and international policies to understand which policy settings best support STE(A)M education. This analysis and resulting recommendations will be provided to Ministries of Education and EU policy makers to support policy improvements in Europe.
In addition, STE(A)M initiatives and EU funded projects of all teaching levels will be mapped and evaluated, identifying educational strategies that provide the best outcomes for teachers and students. Combining this mapping exercise with an analysis of the needs of teachers and schools will help identify gaps in European STE(A)M initiatives and guide teachers and schools, and teacher training institutions toward adequate resources.
Using this deep and extensive approach, the SEER will design a set of milestones, trajectories, and strategies for key stakeholders, including policymakers, school decision makers, teachers, and industry partners, to support the uptake of STE(A)M education in Europe and beyond.
The SEER network
The STE(A)M Education European Roadmap has created the SEER Network, that gathers leading and pioneering STE(A)M Education stakeholders, teacher training institutions, STEM industry representatives, and educational research organisations. They will work together to produce state of art knowledge on STE(A)M education, collect pedagogical resources for teachers and schools, and collaborate to build the foundations of the SEER Roadmaps.
Get to know the SEER Network members
The STE(A)M Atlas of Roadmaps
The STE(A)M Atlas of Roadmaps Initiative seeks to create the adequate circumstances at the European level for the wide uptake of STE(A)M in schools and other learning environments. The Atlas will contain the roadmaps created by three projects funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe programme:
The SEER, Road-STEAMer and SENSE.
Latest news

SEER Seminar Result: STE(A)M Teacher Academies Successfully Integrate the Curriculum for 21st Century Education
On June 26, 2024, the STE(A)M Education European Roadmap (SEER) project held its second interactive online seminar, organised with the support of Scientix®, the community for science education in Europe. Read more.

The SEER makes STE(A)M Education policy EASY
The SEER Policy Digest provides an accessible summary of the current European policy landscape around STE(A)M education and offers some actionable recommendations for policymakers. Read more.

The First STE(A)M Education European Roadmap Seminar confirms: STE(A)M is the future of Education!
On 27 March 2024, the Horizon Europe funded project STE(A)M Education European Roadmap (“the SEER”) held its first public seminar to present the results of the first half of the project to broad audiences of teachers, educators and other stakeholders interested in joining the conversation on the value of STE(A)M practices. Read more.
During the course of the project, the SEER will produce research papers, policy briefs and pedagogical resources that will help Education actors and stakeholders explore STE(A)M education, navigate STE(A)M initiatives, and understand the STE(A)M policy landscape in Europe.
All the publications are building blocks of the STE(A)M Education European Roadmap.
Understand the SEER project and its methodology through our practical report gallery. Learn about the SEER strategy, quality assurance, communication, and ethics.

The National Institute for Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research, is the Italian Ministry of Education’s oldest research organisation. INDIRE is the benchmark for educational research in Italy. It develops new teaching models, tries out new technology for training courses, and fosters innovation redefining the relationship between space and time of learning and teaching.

ReSciTEG - University of Cyprus
The work of the Research in Science & Technology Education Group (ReSciTEG) of the Department of Education at the University of Cyprus relates to research, teaching and training mainly in the field of Natural Sciences and Technology. The group consists of academic staff, scientific partners, postdoctoral researchers, and postgraduate students.

DAISSy Research Group of Hellenic Open University, Greece
The DAISSy (Dynamic Ambient Intelligent Sociotechnical Systems) research group of HOU realizes society-centred educational and technological research, supports communities of practice, develops online learning platforms, MOOCs, and 3D environments, enables the development of digital and citizenship skills, and promotes inclusion and multiculturalism.

Stichting Platform Beta en Techniek, Netherlands
PBT is an independent non-profit organisation (foundation) created by the Dutch ministries of Economic Affairs, Education and Social Affairs to support the implementation of national STEM strategies. PBT also develops and implements a wide variety of implementation programmes, including the development, piloting, and ongoing support of the Centres of Expertise in higher education, Centres of Vocational Excellence in VET and the SME action agenda aimed at digitalization, sustainability and inclusion related activities for SMEs through public private partnerships.

ICSE, Padagogische Hochschule Freiburg, Germany
The International Centre for STEM Education (ICSE) is located at the University of Education in Freiburg, Germany and focuses on practice-related research and its transfer into practice. ICSE sustainably links stakeholders from research, practice, policy, and industry, nationally as well as internationally through the ICSE consortium. ICSE helps improve STEM education across Europe by giving students insights into authentic features of STEM subjects and their connection to real-life contexts.