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Why is your company joining the Scientix STEM Alliance?

The Airbus Foundation aspires to inspire and empower young people with STEAM topics, and so makes available free resources for educators, teachers and parents.

Being part of the Scientix STEM Alliance is a huge opportunity for the Airbus Foundation : first, the Foundation is able to better know the needs of the global community of educators and science communicators, and so respond to the emerging trends.

Then, the Foundation can enjoy a network of organisations with the same interests, and make possible collaborations to better serve the STEAM education.

Finally, joining the Scientix STEM Alliance is the opportunity to disseminate its content to the right audience and engage teachers in the transformation of education.


Why is STEM education a priority for your company?

  • Education is one of the most powerful drivers of progress. At the Airbus Foundation, we believe everyone is entitled to quality education, and support SDG4.
  • The Airbus Foundation is committed to empowering the next generation with the knowledge to navigate the rapid transformations in our world. Science is key to solving many of the societal challenges the world faces.
  • Through its digital educational platform - the Airbus Foundation Discovery Space - the Foundation brings unique perspectives to apprehend today’s world, and make kids and teenagers part of a united world, building a sense of global citizenship.
  • The foundation believes that the development of skills such as digital literacy, critical thinking, collaboration, problem-solving… will help them for the challenges of today and tomorrow.
  • The Airbus Foundation partners with science centers, associations and NGOs to inspire young people, and develop those key soft skills.


What does your company want to achieve with its support to the Scientix STEM Alliance?

The Airbus Foundation creates inspirational material and tools for hard and soft skills, enlarges the reach and accessibility of education and teams up with partners within STEM Alliance to combine strengths (innovation, delivery, reach). such as critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, leadership, empathy… the skills that will be needed in the future.

With the Airbus Foundation Discovery Space platform, our goal has been to create a trusted place for teachers, parents, and a fun place for kids to practice those skills so they can drive and shape their future.

We have teamed up with educational experts to make free, high-quality and ready-to-use content, tailor-made for kids in three specific age groups, from 8 to 18 years old.

Those resources respond to the new needs of the global community of educators and science communicators on complex and interdisciplinary issues, such as space science, artificial intelligence or disinformation.

You will find educational videos, challenges, ideas for experiments and more, to do with the young people.

If they get inspired today, they start on a path to become the builders, makers, and scientists of the future!

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