Bring the Ocean into your School MOOC



In today's world, the need to teach students about our oceans and the environment is more critical than ever. The Bring the Ocean into your School MOOC is designed with a clear goal: to provide inspiration and guidance to educators as they set out on their mission to convey the importance of our oceans to their students, integrate ocean literacy into their teaching practices, and craft their unique “Find the blue” project.



In the Bring the Ocean into your School MOOC, you will:

  • Improve your understanding of ocean literacy and its significance in STEAM education.
  • Gain the tools and knowledge to bring ocean-related topics into your school, motivating your students to actively care for the environment.
  • Receive guidance and support on how to create your unique “Find the Blue” project. You will learn how to identify ocean-related topics, develop school projects in collaboration with local partners, and work towards achieving a European Blue School certification.
  • Explore innovative teaching methodologies like project-based learning and open schooling, which will help you nurture your students’ connections with the oceans and create engaging lesson plans.
  • Develop your Learning Scenario on an ocean-related topic, which can be converted into an impactful blue school project.


Date and registration

The course will be held online from 15 January to 21 February, with an estimated workload of 3 to 4 hours per module.

  •  Module 1 opens on 15/01/2024.
  • Module 2 opens on 22/01/2024.
  • Module 3 opens on 29/01/2024.
  • Module 4 opens on 05/02/2024.

Course deadline to finish all activities 21/02/2024.

The course is open to all. It is especially valuable for primary and secondary school teachers with an interest in sustainability topics, project-based learning, and open schooling. Click the button below to join the MOOC.



Promotional Materials

Whether you are a course participant, a Ministry of Education, or a network organisation in the educational field: we welcome your support in spreading the message on this free online course.

You can do this in various ways, including:

  • Use the suggested social media messages and visuals for the dissemination of the course and registration information on your social media channels, which you can download in the promotional pack below.
  • Use the information provided in the promotional pack to promote the MOOC via any other dissemination channels you may have available to you (for example, newsletters, bulletins, digests, blog articles).
  • Circulate information to relevant contacts: members of your network, organisations that you know are active on the topic and individual contacts.

To find all the promotional materials combined in a document please click on the button below. This promotional pack (in English) includes detailed information on how to promote the course in communications with your networks and audiences, as well as all visuals and suggested social media messages.

Promotional pack



Bringing the ocean one-pager


Social media

Useful Twitter handles and hashtags:

  • Course hashtag #EU4OceanMOOC
  • Project handle/hashtag #EU4Ocean #Youth4Ocean #EUBlueSchools
  • Service hashtag #EUNAcademy
  • Funder handles/hashtags @cinea_eu @scientix_eu


Behind the MOOC

This MOOC has received funding from the EU4Ocean Coalition of the Directorate General of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the European Commission and is co-branded with Scientix, an initiative of European Schoolnet. This course has been developed by the EU Blue Schools Secretariat (coordinated by EMSEA, the European Marine Science Educators Association), Ciência Viva and European Schoolnet.



The content of the document is the sole responsibility of the organizer, and it does not represent the opinion of the European Commission (EC), and the EC is not responsible for any use that might be made of information contained.


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