Seventh Science Projects Workshop in the Future Classroom Lab
The 7th Science Projects Workshop in the Future Classroom Lab, organized by Scientix, took place in Brussels in June 2015, from Friday 19 (starting time: 19:30) to Sunday 21 (end ~14h).
The programme included:
- Presentations and workshops from guest projects.
- Workshops in the Future Classroom Lab.
70 participants from 24 countries joined the event, including:
- 45 teachers (22 selected from the Friends of Scientix initiative, 14 AmgenTeach teachers, and 9 Resource winners, guests and Scientix ambassadors).
- 17 project / organization representatives
- and Scientix Resources winners
Check out:
- The programme and participants
- The welcome presentation from Scientix
Project Presentations
- Workshops slides or materials:
- Scientix Workshop I: Universe in a box
- Scientix Workshop II: How to inspire both girls and boys to study math and science?
- Scientix Workshop III: ENGINEER: How can we measure the volume of an inflated balloon? From a medical problem to an engineering solution.
- Scientix Workshop IV: Scientix hands on activities – from fish to the sun
Participants' lesson plans:
- Team 1: Can plants enhance learning?
- Team 2: How to Prevent an Epidemic?
- Team 3: Help me please, I am thirsty!
- Team 4: Using technology for the 1st grade
- Team 5: Soil Science
- Team 6: What is water for us?
- Team 7: From small to big
- Team 8: Gamification in Science
- Team 9: Using Kahoot in the classroom
- Team 10: Water through the eyes of students of different ages
Note: this page will be constantly updated until all presentations are collected and published
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