GenbMOOC visual

Bioeconomy for Educators: Cultivating a Sustainable Future MOOC



Welcome to the Gen B "Bioeconomy for Educators: Cultivating a Sustainable Future MOOC", an online course and learn how to explore sustainable economic solutions with your students!

Bioeconomy uses renewable biological resources to produce goods, energy, and services, making it a critical area for students to understand in the 21st century. As a driver of economic growth and job creation, bioeconomy equips students with the skills to tackle future societal challenges. However, it’s essential to address its associated challenges, such as resource competition and environmental impacts, to ensure a sustainable transition. Are you ready to inspire the next generation of eco-conscious leaders?



In this course, you will: 

  • Define the concept of bioeconomy and explain its relevance for students and modern society by analysing the implications of bioeconomy for educational systems and curricula.
  • Identify the tools and replicable practices and how to effectively utilise them in specific classroom settings by exploring GenB Toolkits.
  • Discover sustainable practices and opportunities to transform the school into an environmentally aware institution by engaging with the 7-step Eco School Methodology.
  • Design and implement lesson plans that incorporate bioeconomy principles in various educational subjects.
  • Develop strategies to introduce and discuss career opportunities in the bioeconomy sector with students by analysing the sector and career testimonials from professionals in the field.
  • Describe the goals and initiatives of the GenB project and evaluate its potential to enhance teaching methodologies.


Date and registration

The course will be held online from 14 October to 20 November 2024 ​​​​​​​, with an estimated workload of 5 hours per week.

  • Module 1 opens on 14/10/2024.
  • Module 2 opens on 21/10/2024.
  • Module 3 opens on 28/10/2024.
  • Module 4 opens on 04/11/2024.

The final deadline to complete all activities is 20 November 2024.

The course is aimed at practicing teachers with all levels of experience and across all subject areas, as well as student teachers preparing for entry into the profession. It also appeals to other educational professionals, researchers and bioeconomy stakeholders interested in implementing the topic of bioeconomy into their actions. No previous experience or knowledge about bioeconomy is needed to take this course.



Promotional Materials

Whether you are a course participant, a Ministry of Education, or a network organisation in the educational field: we welcome your support in spreading the message on this free online course.

You can do this in various ways, including:

  • Use the suggested social media messages and visuals for the dissemination of the course and registration information on your social media channels, which you can download in the promotional pack below.
  • Use the information provided in the promotional pack to promote the MOOC via any other dissemination channels you may have available to you (for example, newsletters, bulletins, digests, blog articles).
  • Circulate information to relevant contacts: members of your network, organisations that you know are active on the topic and individual contacts.

To find all the promotional materials combined in a document please click on the button below. This promotional pack (in English) includes detailed information on how to promote the course in communications with your networks and audiences, as well as all visuals and suggested social media messages. 


Promotional Pack


Info Sheet

STEM Out of the Box one-pager​​​​​​​


Social media

Useful X (former Twitter) handles and hashtags:

  • Course hashtag #Bieconomy4Educators
  • Project handle/hashtag @BIOVOICES #Bieconomy4Educators
  • Service hashtag #EUNAcademy
  • Funder handles/hashtags @eu_schoolnet, @scientix_eu


Behind the MOOC

This MOOC has been developed as part of the GenB project, funded by Horizon Europe, the European Union’s funding programme for research and innovation, that runs from November 2022 until May 2025. It is focused on educating and empowering the Generation Bioeconomy (GenB), aware, sensitive, and interested in environmental issues, sustainability and circularity. It aims to raise awareness on Bioeconomy building on communication and education that encourage and reward young BIOVOICES to take a role in steering the transition towards more sustainable lifestyles.

Scientix®, the community for science education in Europe, promotes and supports a Europe-wide collaboration among STEM teachers, education researchers, policymakers and other STEM education professionals.

European Schoolnet (EUN) is the network of 30+ European Ministries of Education, based in Brussels. EUN aims to bring innovation in teaching and learning to its key stakeholders: Ministries of Education, schools, teachers, researchers, and industry partners.



Gen B project is funded by the European Union’s HORIZON-CL6-2021-GOVERNANCE-01-11 (Grant Agreement n. 101060501). The content of the document is the sole responsibility of the organizer and does not represent the opinion on the European Union (EU) or European Commission (EC). Neither the EU nor the granting authority can be held
responsible for any use that might be made of information contained. This MOOC is also supported by Scientix®, an initiative of European Schoolnet.