The Critical Making Project, involving six partners in an European consortium, aims to meet social challenges caused by disinformation in STEM subjects.


By offering professional development focused on Critical Making, teachers will be engaged in an approach to critical thinking which merges scientific thinking and hands-on projects. Critical Making Labs that serving as starting locations for teacher training are found among the consortium partners: Torino (PoliTO/LINKS), Umeå (UMU), Warsaw (WUT), and Weingarten (PHW) and include work with all STEM subjects (mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics, computer science, engineering, robotics).

The objective of the project is the design and evaluation of curricula and recommendations for teacher trainings targeted to equip in-service and pre-service teachers with the necessary competences and methodological skills to tackle disinformation and to thus foster students’digital competencies in STEM.

In line with the Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027, the innovative concept features a project-based learning (PBL) approach in pedagogical makerspaces, offering the potential to challenge disinformation and to cover digital competencies in science contexts in a comprehensive and practical way. Inspired by the principles of Creative Learning—Projects, Passion, Peers, and Play—teachers and students are encouraged to engage in meaningful, self-directed learning experiences that foster creativity and intrinsic motivation, further enhancing the Critical Making approach. Thematically, sustainable development is focused across all areas, such as environmental, digital, economic, and others.

The approach is guided by the DigCompEdu and a corresponding competence model, extended for specific aspects of disinformation and critical thinking (incl. self-assessment through an extension of SELFIEforTeachers). In close collaboration with STEM experts and regional stakeholders regarding teachers’ continuous professional development, curricula and training will be developed and evaluated, involving at least 100 STEM teachers in each of the 4 partner countries. Dissemination, also at policy level, will be targeted in 6 countries.

The following results are expected:- a general framework and good practice examples for PBL activities in pedagogical makerspaces to tackle disinformation and foster digital competences in teacher training activities, integrated in STEM subject fields.

- assessment of learning impact of designed measures.

- guidelines and policy suggestions for implementation of corresponding teacher training in different European education systems.

- self-learning material in terms of OER designed to support PBL activities in pedagogical makerspaces, covering specifically approaches to tackle disinformation.

- a portal for exchanging knowledge and experiences of the designed and evaluated concepts and measures.


Erasmus+ (programme-erasmus-plus)

Project Acronym

Target groups

policy makers, researchers, secondary school students, teachers, trainee teachers


Applied sciences, Biochemistry, Biology, Computer science, Chemistry, Ecology, Electronics, Energy, Engineering, Environmental sciences, Gender in STEM, Information technology, Maths, Physics, Software engineering, Technology, Education, Other

Start year


End year


Contact person

Flavio Renga,