STEFORA project is designed with a holistic approach around three general project objectives:
- Digital citizenship focusing on mitigating institutional barriers.
- Apply universal design principles in formal and non-formal learning activities including premises.
- Adopt norm critical approaches to raise cultural awareness and foster gender sensitive education, in the target countries specific to STEM engagement for women, in Kosovo and Albania.
The STEFORA project is co-funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Program.
Basic information
RIT Kosovo,
- Linnaeus University, Sweden
- International Business College in Mitrovica, Kosovo
- Maynooth University, Ireland
- University of POLIS, Albania
- European University of Tirana, Albania
Erasmus+ (programme-erasmus-plus)
Project Acronym
Target groups
college students, education authorities, industry, policy makers, researchers, teachers, university students, university lecturers
Gender in STEM, Education, Other
Start year
End year
Contact person
Venera Demukaj,
Through workshop activities with stakeholder in STEM, we collected data about barriers and opportunities in STEM education with a focus on digital citizenship, universal design, and norm critical approaches as a result, we produced good practices report. This report focuses on the identification of the good practices for STEM education experiences from EU countries by contextualizing them for Kosovo and Albania. In addition, we have also produced a joint publication, which draws from the lessons taken from the STEM for ALL STEFORA Project in Kosovo and Albania. The main aim of this publication is to examine the impact of STEFORA on the partner institutions in Kosovo and Albania in terms of capacity building and broader impact into students and community.
The project developed three training modules:
- Digital Citizenship: This module focuses on equipping educators with the knowledge and tools required to cultivate responsible digital behavior, enhance digital literacy, and ensure digital safety.
It explores key concepts, strategies, institutional recommendations, and classroom activities to promote ethical and responsible digital citizenship, particularly within the context of promoting women's participation in STEM courses. Educators are assisted in integrating these theories and practices into their curriculums. - Universal Design: This module focuses on creating teaching and educational materials to address design challenges in both digital domains and physical premises.
Universal design principles promote inclusion, equality, and accessibility for all demographics regardless of age, gender, or abilities. Designed for academic and administrative staff, this module aims to develop guidelines and activities for cultural awareness and fostering gender-sensitive education. The goal is to create a more inclusive learning environment that aligns with EU principles of gender equality and empowerment. - Norm Critical Approaches: This module integrates Norm Critical Approaches to foster cultural awareness and challenge gender stereotypes in STEM education.
Cultural norms, biases, and beliefs significantly influence women's choices regarding STEM education. This educational module includes materials, resources, and best practices emphasizing EU values, aiming to address social barriers in Kosovo and Albania that hinder the inclusion of women in STEM education and careers.
Specifically designed for STEM faculty, the module empowers educators to become advocates for change, promote equitable opportunities, and cultivate gender equality within their institutions and beyond. The materials and activities provide STEM faculty with the skills and awareness needed to create inclusive learning environments and support student success.
Based on these modules, advanced training materials were developed, and a series of workshops and webinars were conducted with faculty staff from beneficiary institutions.