ST(R)E(A)M IT aims to initiate change about the persisting gender inequalities in STEM education, research, and innovation to contribute to the implementation of the ‘The European Manifesto for gender-inclusive STE(A)M education and careers’.


ST(R)E(A)M IT project supports the European Commission’s vision of a Europe, “where women and men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, are equal – where they are free to pursue their chosen path in life, where they have equal opportunities to thrive, and where they can equally participate in and lead our European society.” This vision is more than relevant nowadays when significant results are achieved in gender equality (GE) education, but still, there are persisting gender gaps, particularly in STEM fields.

ST(R)E(A)M IT addresses gender barriers and challenges by developing innovative gender- and diversity-inclusive tools for educating young people with a particular focus on young girls and by mobilizing actors of different sectors of STEM education, and the R&I ecosystem to create sustainable networks for providing ongoing support for the STEM education providers. ST(R)E(A)M IT seeks to introduce solutions that can be widely used by different kinds of stakeholders during and beyond the scope of the project in the interest of implementing actions suggested by ‘The European Manifesto for gender-inclusive STE(A)M education and careers.

STREAM IT aims to overcome the barriers and challenges faced by underrepresented groups, with a specific focus on girls/young women in STEM by:

  • Developing innovative, gender and diversity-inclusive tools to educate young people, particularly young girls, and prepare them for innovation-driven careers.
  • Mobilising stakeholders from various sectors of STEM education and the R&I ecosystem to create sustainable networks that provide ongoing support to STEM education providers.

Our project objectives are as follows:

  1. Empowering underrepresented groups in STEM, with a special focus on girls (aged 14-18).
  2. Promoting gender-inclusive career paths and increasing the talent pipeline in STEM fields, along with enhancing the attractiveness of STEM careers.
  3. Piloting and fostering the integration of STEAM approaches in STEM education by synthesizing previous knowledge and networks.
  4. Supporting STEM education providers by sharing knowledge and building capacity to eliminate gender-based barriers, including gender stereotypes in STEM education.


Horizon Europe (programme-horizon-europe)

Project Acronym

Target groups

college students, education authorities, general public, industry, parents, policy makers, primary school students, researchers, secondary school students, teachers, trainee teachers, under school-age kids, university students, university lecturers, vocational school students


Gender in STEM, Education, Other

Start year


End year


Contact person

Katalin Oborni,