STEAMBRACE, Bridging the gender gap in STEM education in Europe

European coordination network and activities to embrace a sustainable and inclusive STEAM educational system: the blend of artistic and creative approaches in STEM education, research & innovation.


This project aims to bridge the current gender gap in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields by unlocking the potential of the STEAM (STEM + Arts) education approach for future European innovators, especially women. By creating the STEAM Alliance—a European network of educational institutions, cultural and creative industries, and technology enterprises—STEAMBrace will foster collaboration and drive innovative educational practices.

Central to STEAMBrace's mission is the development of tailored training programs for students aged 11-18, designed to bridge the gender gap and enhance creative and technical skills. The project will also launch the EU’s inaugural "STE(A)M Week for Future Women Innovators", highlighting the role of women in STEM and promoting inclusivity.

Beyond its educational impact, STEAMBrace is dedicated to creating lasting change by supporting rural development and promoting social inclusion. The project will generate policy recommendations to influence educational practices across Europe and engage in extensive dissemination activities to maximize its impact. By focusing on sustainable and inclusive practices, STEAMBrace aims to shape a more innovative and equitable future for STEAM education.


Horizon Europe (programme-horizon-europe)

Project Acronym

Target groups

education authorities, policy makers, researchers, secondary school students, teachers, university students, university lecturers


Gender in STEM, Education

Start year


End year


Contact person

Juancho Pons,