Climate Shelters for Schools MOOC

The COOLSCHOOLS project aims to encourage the uptake of the nature-based climate shelters approach by other schools, neighbourhoods, and cities. Nature-based climate shelters are schoolyards transformed into green spaces, and open to all city residents. The transformation of the schools is achieved by implementing traditional solutions against heat in buildings, and by transforming playgrounds through the introduction of vegetation, spaces for shade and water points.
The project will organize a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in April 2024, which will help participants explore the pedagogical value of climate shelters interventions in schools. The MOOC will emphasise the STE(A)M and Green Competences value of such interventions, along with the benefits of involving students in the shelter design. During the course, teachers will work collaboratively to plan their own school transformation and climate shelter-related activities.
More information soon!