What can you post on social media?
Examples of Twitter texts
Coming soon! Open your Minds to STEM Careers! A rerun of the #STEMcareersMOOC starts on 16 April 2018 on the #EUNacademy @eu_schoolnet! http://bit.ly/STEMcareerMOOCrerun
Great news! Registration for a rerun of the popular #STEMcareersMOOC for teachers is now open! The course starts on 16 April 2018! http://bit.ly/STEMcareerMOOCrerun
#Schoolteachers, join a rerun of the popular #STEMcareersMOOC and engage your school in #STEM careers pathways! http://bit.ly/STEMcareerMOOCrerun
Are you a educator? Learn how to balance #teachers, #counsellors and #parents during a rerun of the popular #STEMcareersMOOC http://bit.ly/STEMcareerMOOCrerun
Are you interested in #STEMeducation? Learn how to balance #teachers, #counsellors and #parents during a rerun of the popular #STEMcareersMOOC http://bit.ly/STEMcareerMOOCrerun
Are you a #careercounsellor? Learn how to encourage #students to pursue #STEM #careers by joining a rerun of the #STEMcareersMOOC! ▶️ http://bit.ly/STEMcareerMOOCrerun
Are you a #teacher? Learn how to balance #schools, #counsellors and #parents during a rerun of the popular #STEMcareersMOOC http://bit.ly/STEMcareerMOOCrerun
Examples of Facebook posts
Do you know that STEM related professions are going to count up for 500.000 jobs by 2050? Is your school ready to successfully guide students in their future career? The "Opening Minds to STEM Careers" Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) explores different ideas and introduces a number of tools, which may help your school to take an active role in career guidance. Curious? Register now for a rerun of this free course which will start on 16 April 2018! The MOOC is a joint initiative of Scientix, funded by Horizon 2020, SYSTEMIC, funded by Erasmus+, and STEM Alliance, which is privately funded. #STEMcareersMOOC http://bit.ly/STEMcareerMOOCrerun
Are you interested in STEM education? Would you like to provide guidance to your students in relation to their future careers? Then register for a rerun of the popular "Opening Minds to STEM Careers" Massive Online Open Course (MOOC)! This training course, starting on 16 April 2018, presents helpful materials for making STEM careers attractive to students of all ages. Interested? You can find the course description and register at the European Schoolnet Academy. The MOOC is a joint initiative of Scientix, funded by Horizon 2020, SYSTEMIC, funded by Erasmus+, and STEM Alliance, which is privately funded. #STEMcareersMOOC http://bit.ly/STEMcareerMOOCrerun
Examples of LinkedIn posts
Do you know that STEM related professions are going to count up for 500.000 jobs by 2050? Educators can really make the difference in successfully guiding students towards their future careers! Register now for the "Opening Schools to STEM Careers" free Massive Online Open Course (MOOC), which provides schools insights about STEM careers related practices, projects and programmes to help your school to take an active role in career guidance. The free online course starts on 16 April 2018! The MOOC is a joint initiative of Scientix, funded by Horizon 2020, SYSTEMIC, funded by Erasmus+, and STEM Alliance, which is privately funded. #STEMcareersMOOC http://bit.ly/STEMcareerMOOCrerun
More than 4.2 million youngsters aged 15-24 were unemployed in 2016 in the EU. On the other hand, the European Commission estimated that there will be 756 000 vacancies in the ICT sector alone by 2020. Schools play an active role in tackling the mismatch between the job offer and the STEM skills required. Do you want to know how? Then register for a rerun of the popular "Opening Minds to STEM Careers" Massive Online Open Course (MOOC)! This training course, starting on 16 April 2018, presents helpful materials for making STEM careers attractive to students at all ages. Interested? You can find the course description and register at the European Schoolnet Academy. The MOOC is a joint initiative of Scientix, funded by Horizon 2020, SYSTEMIC, funded by Erasmus+, and STEM Alliance, which is privately funded. #STEMcareersMOOC http://bit.ly/STEMcareerMOOCrerun