STEM Education Policies and Practices in Europe

Studies funded by the European Commission or conducted by Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) communities such as the STEM Alliance have highlighted major issues regarding the situation of STEM in European education systems: the low attractiveness of STEM studies and careers, or the unmet labour-market needs in STEM-related sectors that are expected to grow in the future.

To address these problems, many initiatives and programmes have been pursued, such as “The New Skills Agenda” initiative from the European Commission to focus on improving the quality and relevance of STEM skills development, to promote STEM studies and careers and to support teachers’ professional development. They are supplemented in some countries by national approaches to deal with STEM issues.

In this context, Texas Instruments and European Schoolnet, with the support of Scientix, have joined forces to conduct a study on STEM education policies and STEM teachers’ practices that are featured on this web page.

This report is based on data gathered from sector experts. A survey was sent to STEM representatives from 14 European countries with questions on the place of STEM in the education system, the reform projects linked to STEM education, the situation regarding the professional capacity-building of STEM teachers and the development of specific pedagogical and learning resources. The structure of the report reflects that of the survey. The data collected was enriched with interviews with industry and university representatives to obtain feedback and points of view from the field.

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Scientix STEM Education Practices 2018 To complete the findings of the STEM Education Policies report published in October 2018, Scientix launched, with the support of Texas Instruments, the STEM Education Practices Survey, looking to collect information about how STEM teachers throughout Europe organise their teaching practices. This report on Education Practices in Europe, published in December 2018, provides an analysis of the 3,780 responses from teachers to the survey (survey data .xls / .csv)

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