Scientix TV
Scientix TV brings you learning resources, new trends in STEM, interviews with education policymakers and STEM industry representatives, science experiments to try in your classroom, and much more – all in an entertaining format. Each episode is presented by Agueda Gras-Velazquez, Head of the Science Education Department at European Schoolnet, and a rotating cast of co-hosts. Episodes air once a month, except during the summer holidays. You can watch all previous episodes below.

EMINENT conference, gender equality
In this episode, European Schoolnet's Christina Makarona talks to four participants of EMINENT, the annual networking event for education experts organized by European Schoolnet. This year, the event was all about STEM education! Learn from the experts: about integrated STEM teaching, about collaborating with industry, and about supporting gender equality in STEM. The Science in Action team is back, as well, to show you how to make a snow globe with benzoic acid and water.
Resources, STEM jobs
In this episode, Agueda talks to Diego Fernández García, who explains how schools can obtain the STEM School Label - and what's in it for them. Guillermo and Dr. Christina bring you a science experiment about autumn leaves and chromatography. Ioana Caraghiozov presents the Scientix resource repository, where teachers can find thousands of materials ready to be used in the classroom, and Luigi Prisco explains what the Scientix STEM Alliance is and how teachers can benefit from resources such as the Scientix Repository of STEM jobs profiles.
Scientix services, GenB MOOC
We have changed our format. Scientix TV is now best enjoyed on your mobile device. In this episode, Agueda reminds you how to get the most out of Scientix. She talks to Miriam Molina, who explains the importance of outdoor learning in formal education. Guillermo and his new partner in the lab, Dr. Christina, bring you a science experiment tailor-made for Halloween, and Isidora presents the new MOOC from the GenB project, where you can learn how to present the bioeconomy to your students.
AI in the classroom, Europeana
In this episode, get the best out of Microsoft Copilot to implement AI in your classroom to help you in your teaching. Ovi Barceló from Microsoft will guide you through practical examples. Besides, bring together history, culture and science thanks to Europeana, an initiative that works to promote Europe's digital cultural heritage to be used by everyone for learning, for work, or just for fun! And last but not least, join Guillermo who has a colourful experiment which will bring out the most artistic side of your students while learning chemistry!
Winners of the Scientix Awards!
Welcome to ScientixTV Episode 21! It's the last episode before your well-deserved summer break! Today on the agenda, one thing, and one thing only: celebrating the winners of the Scientix Awards given out during the 2024 edition of the STEM Discovery Campaign, co-organized with LifeTerra! This year's campaign was a big success: 4,600+ activities spanning over 50+ countries and including over 700,000 participants!
Technology in the classroom, Ethics of AI
Today we are revisiting the use of Artificial Intelligence in education, this time with a focus on the ethics of AI in the classroom. We talk to Anna Keune, from the Technical University of Munich, whose team has developed resources to discuss AI with your students. We also introduce you to resources provided by Intel, specifically their Skills for Innovation starter packs, which combine digital skills with STEM learning objectives. A classroom experiment shows you the magic of polymers. And much more!
Integrate sustainability and nature-based solutions
Join us on a journey through the world of sustainability education, with guests who show us how nature-based solutions can improve your teaching. In this episode, we introduce you to the resources provided by the COOLSCHOOLS project, which suggests greening schoolyards to help combat climate change. We also hear from NBS EduWORLD about their new EduDirectory. A classroom experiment shows you how to make a hovercraft out of old CDs. And much more!
2024 STEM Discovery Campaign
Join us as we delve into the heart of the 2024 STEM Discovery Campaign, where innovation meets education. In this episode, we explore how you can participate in the campaign, connect with SDC experts, and witness a captivating science experiment featuring lemons and batteries!
Life Terra, STEM Discovery Campaign, careers
The 2024 STEM Discovery Campaign, the biggest event on the Scientix calendar, is about to start! We talk to Aroa Gregori, from the Life Terra project, which co-organized this year's campaign. We also showcase Terra Mission, which is full of Life Terra's teaching materials centered on sustainability. Our career corner features Thomas Willens, an environmental policy adviser, and Isidora shows you how to make a balloon-powered water fountain in your classroom.
Classroom experiments and bloopers
This episode of Scientix TV is full of science experiments you can replicate in your classroom, using simple household ingredients. Three educators (Michael Gregory, Giulia Realdon, and George Roungos) demonstrate experiments involving gummy bears, tectonic plates and tiny rockets! Agueda and Isidora have their hands full with an experiment featuring CO2 generated from baking soda and vinegar. And we share some of the funny moments from filming this year's episodes.
Integrating migrant students, new careers database
This episode of Scientix TV showcases the SPERE initiative (STE(A)M Partnership "Education Resilience in Europe"). This initiative identifed and supports 15 projects which help teachers integrate migrant students into their classes. In this episode, three of these projects present their resources. We also take a look at the new STEM career profiles section of the Scientix platform and meet one of the STEM professionals introduced there.
Artificial Intelligence in education
This episode of Scientix TV is all about artificial intelligence: how teachers can use it in their practice, how it may affect the future of STEM (and other) jobs, and what policies are in place to protect citizens. We even have a robot explaining to Isidora how to create classroom experiments via ChatGPT!
Back to School Campaign, particle physics MOOC
This episode of Scientix TV announces several events related to the 2023 Back to School Campaign, such as competitions and career advice chats for students. This episode also features a look at the upcoming Accelerate Your Teaching MOOC, which will guide STEM teachers toward introducing particle physics in their classrooms. The experiment this month shows you how to explain chemical processes by making a beautiful lava lamp in class.
Teachers on Life Terra, new experiment feature
This episode of Scientix TV features a video prepared by a group of teachers, in which they describe the Terra Mission Educational Packs. We also hear from industry representatives interviewed during the School Innovation Forum in Brussels. Our very own Isidora Salim introduces a new permanent feature of Scientix TV: "Science in Action".
Teachers share their favorite resources
This episode of Scientix TV showcases five short videos created by teachers who participated in workshops in the Future Classroom Lab at European Schoolnet's offices in Brussels. The teachers share the project outputs they found most useful.
Women and girls in STEM
Scientix TV celebrates International Women's Day by cloning Agueda, so she can interview herself. The episode also introduces projects that focus on women and girls in STEM subjects and careers. A teacher from Portugal presents a science experiment suitable for very young learners.
STEM Discovery Campaign
Agueda takes viewers behind the scenes at European Schoolnet. Meet two people working on the 2023 STEM Discovery Campaign and learn more about the new SDC mobile app. Learn how you can showcase your STEM-related activities in the campaign (which runs until the end of April). And hear why, and how, communications technology giant Cisco supports Scientix and STEM education in general.
Integrated STEM teaching
Agueda speaks with Maria Podlasek-Ziegler, from the European Commission, and introduces learning resources from three different EU-funded projects. An Intel representative introduces the company's teaching resources and speaks with Sarah Neubauer, a STEM teacher from Germany who has used these resources. Michael Gregory presents an experiment on the energy of colours.
Scientix conference, experiments
Agueda speaks with Barbara Quarta, who organized the 4th Scientix International Conference. This last episode of 2022 also looks back at some of the funny mishaps our production crew encountered this year. Michael Gregory presents a selection of experiments gathered during a conference in Mexico.
NBS and sustainability
Agueda speaks with Francesc Baró from the COOLSCHOOLS project. Deidra Parrish Williams from Trane Technologies speaks about her company's needs for STEM graduates. Tullia Urschitz, a teacher from Italy, speaks about piloting Nature-Based Solutions in her classroom. The experiment shows an easy way for kids to measure the impact of trees and plants on the ambient temperature.
Immersive education
Agueda speaks with Dr. Tunç Erdal Akdur from the Turkish Ministry of National Education. European Schoolnet's Nikki Medanovic gives a tour of the Future Classroom Lab. Representatives from Lenovo and Qualcomm present immersive technology solutions for the classroom, and Nikki speaks with Teresita Gravina, an Italian teacher who piloted the ARETE app.
STEM careers
European Schoolnet's Romane Leaute speaks with Vicky Kotsikopoulou, advisor to the Greek Minister of Education and Religious Affairs. Two teachers from the STEAM (IT) Career Advisors Network share their experiences. Ivana Kovac, STEM Alliance coordinator, speaks with the director of m-Schools, an initiative funded by the GSMA. The experiment illustrates the principle underlying flight.
Summer learning loss
Co-host Mattia Gentile speaks with Nikos Amanatidis, a former principal, on how to prevent learning loss during the summer break. Ivana Kovac, STEM Alliance coordinator, speaks with the president of the Amgen Foundation about the LabXchange platform. Educator and experiment enthusiast George Roungos illustrates atmospheric pressure by crushing a can.
Motivation for teachers
Ivana Milanovic, coordinator of the Scientix Ambassador program, speaks with three Scientix Ambassadors about how they motivate themselves and their colleagues. Ivana Kovac, STEM Alliance coordinator, speaks with Chryssanthe Sotiriou, a Microsoft Innovative Educator fellow. Educator and experiment enthusiast George Roungos shows us how to change the boiling point of water.
Pilot episode - STEM Discovery Campaign
The first edition of Scientix TV presented results and insights from the 2022 STEM Discovery Campaign. Agueda speaks with Alvaro Molina, a science teacher from Cordoba, Spain. Co-host Bjorn Bachmann speaks with Anita Simac, a Scientix Ambassador from Croatia, about her work promoting Scientix and science education among fellow teachers in her country. European Schoolnet's Isidora Salim shows us how to make elephant toothpaste.