10th Scientix Projects' Networking Event

The 10th Scientix Projects’ Networking Event will take place on Friday 26th of February 2016 in Brussels and in conjunction with the Science Projects Workshop in the Future Classroom Lab (27th – 28th of February 2016).

Target audience: The one day event is open to regional education organizations AND project representatives from European and national science education projects. Public funded projects included in the Scientix projects' repository or in the process of being published (i.e. they submitted at the time of the event via the project upload form), will have priority.

Aim of the event: To discuss "Collaborative approaches to STEM education: The importance of out of school and extra-curricular activities". Basically, methods used, data analysis, permissions, problems, good practices etc.

Structure of the event: After a brief introduction on the aim of the event by Scientix representatives, attendees will be able to present their projects. In the afternoon, sessions on the event's topic will be organized in order to discuss issues, experiences and suggestions. The results will be published as a Scientix observatory paper co-authored by all participants.

Draft agenda: 

9:00 - 9:30 Registration

9:30 - 9:50 Welcome by Scientix

10:00 - 12:30 Brief presentation of projects and/or organizations attending, highlighting the experience within something

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch

13:30 - 16:00 Discussion/exchange session on: "Collaborative approaches to STEM education: The importance of out of school and extra-curricular activities"

16:00 - 17:00 Conclusions and farewell

Location: European Schoolnet, Rue de Treves, 61, Brussels 1040, Belgium

Support for participants:

1) Travel will be covered by EUN;

2) Lunch on Friday 26th of February will be provided to all participants by Scientix;

3) Scientix will organize and cover one night of participants' accommodation on Thursday 25th of February, if needed;

4) Up to 10 project representatives/regional organization representatives attending the event on Friday will be welcomed to join the Science Projects Workshop in the Future Classroom Lab on Saturday 26th and run a 45' workshop with ~20 participants and present in 10' their project to all participants.

5) For those project/organization representatives staying until Saturday to present during the event, Scientix will organize and cover the hotel both on Thursday 25th and on Friday 26th, if needed;

Important notes:

  • The registration for the event is free of charge
  • Projects and organizations can send more than one representative, but Scientix will organize and cover the trip and the accommodation for only one representative per project;
  • This event is NOT open to projects created without official endorsement (i.e. they must have public funding be it regional, national or EU), nor self-funded projects or school projects (teacher's projects). The projects must be public funded and either be included in the Scientix projects' repository or in the process of being published.

·    Confirmed Participants: Check out the list of confirmed projects and participants.
