Centre for the Promotion of ScienceThe Centre for the Promotion of Science (CPN) is a public institution established in 2010 with its goal being the focal point for the promotion and popularisation of science in Serbia. The Center was established by the Government of the Republic of Serbia as a part of a strategic programme of investing in science and education. The Centre is an independent public institution within the purview of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. The mission of CPN is to develop a scientific culture and create a knowledgeable society as part of the lifelong learning process. On this journey, CPN has developed into an institution which brings together all relevant stakeholders – teachers, scientists, decision makers, other organisations from the field, as well as children, their parents and the general audience. By collaborating with all of them, CPN is making science more interesting and available not only to Serbian citizens, but also to the people in SEE region and all over Europe. By being a bridge that connects formal and informal education and organising events, activities and projects, CPN is able to introduce new pedagogical and methodological approaches, tools and achievements being developed in Serbia and abroad. At the same time, CPN is creating a network of associates who continue to collaborate even after the project is completed. This mission is achieved through workshops, panels, training courses and other channels for promotion, education and dissemination of content which include the general public. One of the most important target groups that we are addressing are teachers. |