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University of Bucharest

The University of Bucharest during its 150 years existence has become the leading academic centre and a significant point of reference in society in Romania by actively contributing through research and teaching to the development and use of knowledge. The University's main objective is to offer high-quality academic programmes and research facilities, and be at the forefront of research and teaching.

The University of Bucharest offers undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses in social sciences and humanities, and natural sciences. The University currently offers thirty-eight undergraduate fields of study with more than 100 majors and 180 postgraduate programmes. Also offers numerous programmes for professional re-conversion and enhancement.

The University takes a great interest in teacher training at all levels of the educational system and runs many European and national projects in the field. The Scientix National Contact Point is run by two faculties, the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences and the Faculty of Physics. The Department of Teacher Education within the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences offers professional training for all students aiming to get the necessary certification for the teaching career including STEM areas. At present it has over 6000 students attending these specific courses from all 19 faculties of the University.

Within the same faculty the programme of Pedagogy of Primary and Pre-primary Education trains teachers for kindergarten and primary school levels including for classes in STEM education.

The Faculty of Physics is strongly involved in innovative educational projects including promotion and popularization of physics within schools by organizing different events and teacher training while collaborating with other representative stakeholders in the field. It is also the only physics faculty in the country which offers an academic degree of Doctor in Educational Physics.