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Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences

The Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS), is a scientific institution representing the mainstream of Polish basic research in Earth Sciences. It is the only institution in Poland that performs monitoring of geophysical fields in seismology, geomagnetism, and selected areas of atmospheric physics. The Institute’s research broadly covers the following scientific fields: Seismology, Geomagnetism, Earth’s interior dynamics, Physics of the atmosphere, Hydrology and environmental hydraulics, Polar and marine research.

Another central activity of the Institute is related to its statutory obligation to record global geophysical phenomena, whose results are transmitted to World Data Centres. The Institute manages ten observatories in Poland and one in Spitsbergen. It takes an active part in international research projects and enjoys lively cooperation with scientific institutions abroad. It is authorized to confer the academic degrees of Doctor and Doctor habilitatus of the Earth Sciences in Geophysics. It also offers four-year PhD courses.

The Institute cooperates with the media in promotion and popularization of geophysics with the aim of inspiring a creative approach to the sciences among adults and young people. Academic tutors share their knowledge and present their accomplishments and skills using language friendly to non-specialists and young people in the internal project “Geophysics at school”.

Since 2011 the Institute has been leading one of the biggest innovative educational projects, “EDUSCIENCE”. At present over 1,600 Polish schools are involved in the project and use its products: e-learning platform with over 15,000 educational resources, science portal, educational excursions to PAS observatories, methodological support and environmental monitoring programmes. The Institute builds strong links with educational institutions and organisations in Poland and around the world.