Education Development Centre (EDC)
Education Development Centre is a state institution, providing educational support to students, teachers and schools. ECD has extensive experience in science education, its activities in the field include:
- Methodology dissemination events for science teachers to inform about the latest developments in science education, research, pilot projects, contests, etc.
- Teachers' conferences to share good practice, develop new strategies on curriculum implementation; present their academic and scientific achievements, etc.
- Annual exhibitions "Mokykla"(School) (2011, 2012 and 2013), featuring the latest innovation in education and teaching
EDC is providing EU Structural Support on STEM education, specifically it aims at:
- Providing wider options for students in higher secondary level to choose different learning pathways
- Development of the Key Competencies in primary school (grades 5-8)
- Dissemination Model for Curriculum Innovations