Scientix Interest Groups are online and face-to-face communities, in which members can learn from each other and exchange ideas on how to strengthen STEM education in Europe. These groups have been endorsed by Scientix, acknowledging their high standards of practice and integrity, as well as demonstrating their commitment to improving STEM education.

Each group is managed by the project or initiative indicated in its description. Neither Scientix nor European Schoolnet is responsible for the content or its oversight.

Scroll down to see our current interest groups in a list and on a map (click on the images to access the groups).

Do you have a group you want listed as a Scientix Interest Group? Learn more about the benefits, requirements and obligations of Scientix Interest Groups in our dedicated section at the bottom of this page. When you're ready, click the button below to request validation by Scientix staff.

Have your group validated



Science Teachers in Europe
Are you a teacher (or other professional) involved in STEM education in any way? If so, this open group is the meeting point for you! Join now and start sharing experiences and ideas about teaching and learning in STEM.


◾ Private group - only members can see who's in the group and what they post ◾ Anyone can join (Meta registration required) ◾~22,600 members◾ All countries, all languages ◾ Coordinated by European Schoolnet



Scientix Ambassadors Group

Are you a Scientix Ambassador and would like to connect with your peers in a spirit of mutual edification, collaboration and professional networking? Then this Scientix Ambassadors-only group is the place to be!

◾ Closed group - only members see who's in the group and what they post ◾ Only active Scientix Ambassadors can join (Basecamp registration required)◾ ~1,300 members◾ All countries, English language ◾ Coordinated by European Schoolnet



Turkish Scientix Ambassadors
If you’re a Scientix Ambassador based in Turkey, this is the best place to meet other Ambassadors and share all your great insights, all while learning from each other! 


◾ Private group - only members can see who's in the group and what they post ◾ Only active Turkish Scientix Ambassadors can join (Registrations required) ◾ 500 members◾ Türkiye, Turkish language ◾ Coordinated by Turkish Ministry of Education



NBS EduWORLD Discussion space: Nature-positive education
Are you a teacher looking to explore the latest nature-based solutions in education? This is the platform you cannot miss! Here you’ll find lively discussions about best practice and innovative teaching methods in NBS.


◾ Open group - anyone can see who's in the group and what they post ◾ Anyone can join ( Scientix credentials required) ◾ new group◾ All countries, English language ◾ Coordinated by NBS EduWORLD



SpicE Community of Practice

Are you an educator in search of ways to deepen your knowledge of special education? Come along to this virtual space and start nurturing educational and policy change in STEAM, paving the way for a more inclusive education system!

◾ Private group - only members can see who's in the group and what they post ◾ Anyone can join (registration required) ◾ >200 members◾ All countries, English language ◾ Coordinated by SpicE STEAM Academy



New Learning Club on "Innovative STEAM education"
Are you working on a topic related to STE(A)M with a focus on learning innovation? Whether you’re an educator, a manager or other expert, this club is designed for you! Join today and share your inspiring approach!


◾ Open group - anyone can see who's in the group and what they post ◾ Anyone can join (registration required)◾140 members◾ All countries, English language ◾ Coordinated by European Training Foundation



What are the benefits of the Scientix Interest Groups?

There are many amazing benefits waiting for you on your Scientix Interest Group journey! You’ll be part of a vibrant community working together to advance STEM Education and produce incredible results that can help other communities to deepen the debate. And that’s not all! You’ll also enjoy other fantastic benefits such as:

  • A great place to showcase your inspiring STEM ideas and initiatives.
  • A variety of communities so that you can choose the one that best suits your profile and needs.
  • Access to updates and exclusive information on activities, initiatives and campaigns directly from Scientix.
  • Annual inclusion in the Scientix Interest Group Good Practice Booklet.
  • Invitations to closed events.
  • Multiple networking opportunities with professionals who share your interests.
  • Support for the sustainability of the group.
  • Support from Scientix for the dissemination of the group’s activities.
  • The value of being part of a growing community of STEM enthusiasts.
  • Visibility in Europe through inclusion in the Scientix Interest Groups section of the Scientix portal.


What are the requirements to create a Scientix Interest Group?

There are a few things we ask for to get a Scientix Interest Group off the ground. Apart from the name of the group and the contact details of the coordinator, we also require information about the aim and type of community you want to create, the type of membership, the number of participants… and other essential details that will help us to define and reflect the group correctly on our portal.

You will find all the required fields in our registration form, which can be accessed here. Scientix will review the information provided in this form and may request additional details before making a decision. Successful groups will receive a Scientix Interest Group badge and will be listed on the Scientix portal.


What are the obligations upon creating a Scientix Interest Group?

At Scientix, we want to make sure that the various communities run smoothly and peacefully. Therefore, we ask our members to fulfil (just a few!) obligations to help us make the Scientix Interest Groups a welcoming and enjoyable initiative for all involved. These are:

  • Ensure that there are no discriminatory practices or discussions within the group about politics, religion, conflicts, disputes, gender discrimination or the promotion of violence.
  • Provide an update on what the group is up to three times a year (January / February, May / June and August / September).

For more information, please contact Scientix at