Best use of media in STEM

Scientix just launched a new exciting competition for teachers of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) subjects in primary and secondary schools. All they have to do is to show how they use media tools to stimulate their STEM lessons!

Teachers must share examples of those activities on Facebook or Twitter and add the competition’s official hashtag #MEDIAinSTEM. By adding this hashtag, they will submit examples for the “best use of media in STEM classes award”.

A designated jury will then review all the submitted content and select winners based on the competition’s criteria. Submissions are divided into four categories based on the type of content: Audio, Video, Graphics and Animation.

All content must be shared on social media by the end of 15 February 2016 to be eligible for the competition. Authors of the winning contributions will be invited to a workshop in Brussels, Belgium, on 9 March 2016 on “Media supported STEM education”, which is held in conjunction with the Media and Learning Conference 10 to 11 March 2016. Scientix will organize and cover the winners’ flight to/from Brussels (up to 500 EUR), accommodation (maximum one night in Brussels) and conference fee.

Click here for
Terms and conditions

Winning contributions!

These four STEM teachers won an award for the "best use of media in STEM classes" from the Scientix project. The award competition was organised in collaboration with the Media and Learning Association.

Best use of animations

Sladjana Trajkovic


Best use of audio

Lina Cannone


Best use of graphics

Nikolaos Nerantzis


Best use of video

Xacobo de Toro


Participo en Media in STEM EducationAquí deixo un vídeo de como emprego o audiosvisual, xunto co meu amigo Jorge Gutié...

Posted by Xacobo de Toro on Monday, February 15, 2016

Video used for teaching maths: How it can be a valuable tool

This article by Brooke McCurdy, a maths teachers from the United States of America, gives you an idea of how you can use the media to inspire STEM classes. Ms McCurdy will be a speaker at the workshop and her article is an example of the possibilities that media supported education can offer. This article is published by the Media and Learning Newsletter on 13 January 2016, available here.

This competition is held in collaboration with the Media and Learning Association and the MEDEA Awards.


See the winning contributions of the Media in STEM competition here!

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