About the project
The Three Rs project of the European Commission's Joint Research Centre focuses on introducing the principles of the Three Rs – Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of animal use for scientific purposes in primary and secondary education. The goal was to inspire students to think critically about science, become aware of the scientific progress made for a future science without animal use, and build the skills to debate nuanced and complex topics such as animal testing. With the learning activities of the project, students also develop science literacy skills by exploring topics such as ethics in science, how the European Union is protecting the welfare of laboratory animals, and what high-tech non-animal tools are available as alternatives.
During the pilot project (2019-2020), European Schoolnet (a network of 34 European Ministries of Education which aims to bring innovation in teaching and learning) with the support of ECORYS (an international company providing research, consultancy and management services) and SYRCLE (Systematic Review Center for Laboratory Animal Experimentation) created six learning activities in collaboration with pilot teachers.
During the current educational project (2021 - 2023), the EC's Joint Research Centre and European Schoolnet rerun a Three Rs MOOC for teachers, are developing additional resources and will be launching several campaigns. The project is supported under the Scientix STE(A)M Partnerships programme.

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Discover all the implementation stories of the Three Rs project
How to teach animal welfare and animal testing in your STEM classes? Check how other teachers implemented the Three Rs teaching materials in their classroom. Discover the stories of implementation. Read more .
What are the three principles to improve animal welfare in science?
Three Rs is a framework to achieve humane experimentation that can be summarised as follows: wherever possible, (1) replace animals with e.g. tissue or computer models (replacement); (2) test with the fewest animals possible (reduction); and (3) use less sentient animals and make testing procedures as humane as possible by reducing discomfort and increasing welfare wherever possible (refinement).
Three Rs educational resources
If you wish to bring the three principles to improve animal welfare in science to your students, have a look at the educational resources developed under the project. Below you will find engaging teaching materials to include in your school lessons: career sheets, podcasts and interviews with experts working in the field as well as interesting learning scenarios. Click on the category titles below to access the respective materials.
Competitions and Implementation Stories
The Three Rs Project organized two competitions for teachers within the STEM Discovery Campaign in 2021 and 2022.
The Three Rs Competition during the 2022 STEM Discovery Campaign invited teachers to popularise and develop new learning materials, as well as to share best practices on how to motivate students to think critically about science, become aware of the scientific progress made for a future science without animal use, and build the skills to debate nuanced and complex topics such as animal testing. The three winners of the 2022 competition were: Ella Rakovac Bekeš (Croatia), Emma Abbate (Italy), Emine Kutlu (Turkey) . The winners participated in one or both Streams of the competition, where they developed an educational material (learning scenario or additional resource), implemented the Three Rs lessons, and/or provided methodological ideas on how to implement the Three Rs lessons.
The Three Rs Competition during 2021 STEM Discovery Campaign encouraged teachers to create and test materials that include alternatives to animal testing in science, making the lessons and learning scenarios more interesting and connected to real life for students. The two winners of the 2021 competition were: Doinita Belasoiu (Romania) and Emma Abbate (Italy). Winners developed learning scenarios, which are published under the resources tabs.
Resources for primary schools
During Phase II of the project, EUN developed the following learning scenarios and additional resources for primary school teachers. The materials are based on the Three Rs, Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of animal use in science and usually take an interdisciplinary approach to them. These resources were linked to existing pedagogical trends and the 21st century skills to help teachers to integrate the Three Rs in their curriculum and prepare students for future careers in the field.
The materials listed below can be used as part of one lesson, or throughout several lessons. Learning scenarios can be also implemented as project-based based interdisciplinary activities that could be implemented in collaboration with several teachers. While generally intended for STEM classes, materials can be implemented in non-STEM classes with small adaptations.
- How society uses and misuses animals (for primary) – Koliakou Iro (adapted from the original learning scenario for Secondary School level authored by Ali Gago, Ismail; González Viñas, Jonathan), Salim Isidora. Summary: The aim of the learning scenario is to introduce primary school students to the process of animal science, as well as raise their awareness of the different ways in which animals are "used and misused" in our societies. By the end of the implementation of the learning scenario students will learn about the Three Rs and animal use in science as well as enrich scientific literacy and collaboration skills.
- To Use or Not Live Animals in Science? - Primary – Louro Ana and Ferreira Clarisse (adapted from the original learning scenario for Secondary School level). Summary: In this learning scenario pupils will learn about the Three Rs principles. They will be confronted with different methodologies used in science in order to raise awareness of the need or not to use live animals for scientific research. Through online and offline tools (InterNICHE website, YouTube videos, apps, models, simulators, scientific toys, etc.) they will investigate the different animal’s biology, while understanding the possibility and importance of research in science without using live animals. Biodiversity in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems will also be explored.
Sustainable Science - Primary– Mavrodieva Svetla and Salim Isidora (adapted from the original learning scenario for Secondary School level authored by Del Grammastro Maela and Senia Fausto). Summary: This learning scenario will introduce young students to animal rights, animal research, alternatives to animal testing and animal care, as well as to the prospective Three Rs careers. It will also look at the Three Rs principles and their importance in governing the field of use of animals in science.
Human-Based Science: Where Humans Can Do it on Their Own - Primary – Micallef Gatt Alexia (adapted from the original learning scenario for Secondary School level authored by Micallef Gatt Alexia and Pirotta Konrad). Summary: The learning scenario aims to help students learn about the Three Rs principles and the Human Based Scientific Methods which contribute to the replacement of the use of animals in science. Students will be encouraged to share their thoughts about animal testing as well as think about new methods while becoming aware of the process of animal in science and ethical considerations involved.
- Critical Thinking: Emotions vs. Facts - Primary – Bozlar Bengü, Embrechts Glenn, Van den Eynde Karin (adapted from the original learning scenario for Secondary School level authored by Embrechts Glenn, Van den Eynde Karin). Summary: This learning scenario aims at stimulating students to think critically about animal welfare in science. This critical thinking is induced by organizing a play or a debate on animal welfare. A public website has been created to be consulted by teachers and guide them in the preparation and organization of the debate.
- Animal Experimentation and Scientific literacy - Primary – Kafali Candan, Bozlar Bengü (adapted from the original learning scenario for Secondary School level). Summry: Animal testing on cosmetics is banned under EU legislation. This learning scenario aims to help students understand and differentiate good science from bad science (fake news, pseudoscience, etc.), while pupils acquire knowledge on animal experiments and animal welfare. Students comprehend how science works by carrying out a survey about the use of animals in scientific experiments in their own school and analysing the results as a final activity.
- EU mission to keep Jerry safe – Kubátová Eva and Grand-Meyer Eddy, Salim Isidora. Summary: The aim of this learning scenario is to introduce primary school students to the principles of the Three Rs of Animal Testing and provide them with an overview of EU legislation on the topic, as well as encourage them to research the jobs and related fields of study that are necessary for the promotion of the Three Rs principles. While all three Rs are introduced, a particular emphasis is put on “Replacement” with a mission to save a beloved pop-culture Mouse (Jerry) from being used as a test subject.
- Animals for Human Welfare and Humans for Animal Welfare – Balasoiu Doinita. Summary: This learning scenario aims to stimulate students to think critically about how animals can support human well-being and, in turn, how humans can act for animal welfare. The students will use critical thinking techniques to identify health and wellbeing benefits for humans of owning a pet or a service animal as well as issues regarding human concerns to ensure animal welfare. The students will be provided with adequate information and will have to elaborate their arguments and prepare a presentation, in a creative form, agreed in the work team. The result can take the form of a presentation, an infographic, or any other form that students could realistically achieve.
- Animal use in society and science – Almpani Sofia. Summary: The scenario aims to help primary school students learn about the importance of animal welfare, the use of animals in society and science and the Three Rs. Students will be encouraged to share their feelings about animal testing and think critically about new methods that can be used in the process of scientific research and why this is important. Additionally, they will learn about Three Rs careers.
Three Rs: Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of animal use in science – Korakaki Eleni, Vasylchuk Lyubov, Salim Isidora. Summary: The scenario aims to help students understand why animals are used in science and what the ethical, societal and scientific challenges are. In addition, it raises their awareness of new scientific laboratory techniques without the use of living animals according to the Three R's principles.
Additional Resources
Additional Resource is a presentation, podcast series, a task or an online tool that complement developed learning scenarios. However, resources can be used as a separate educational material to teach about Three Rs topics. In some cases, the teacher will need to make a short introduction to Three Rs (use another resource) to explain to students the activities that will be implemented using the additional resource.
- Three Rs Test-Game – Kafali Candan, Bozlar Bengü, Salim Isidora
The purpose of this activity is to test students’ knowledge and understanding of the Three Rs principles and general topic. Using this online in the classroom is an innovative and gamified evaluation method, that allows evaluation of understanding, retention and knowledge of the information related to the Three Rs. Additionally, this resource should motivate students to improve their knowledge on the topic. Get resource
- Introduction to the Three Rs – Sankara Aishwarya; Vasylchuk Lyubov
The aim of this PowerPoint Presentation is to introduce primary school students to the concept of the Three Rs and prepare them for further learning and discovery of materials related to the topic. Get resource
- Three Rs Crossword Puzzle ‘Three Rs in Scientific Research’ – Salim Isidora
This activity can be used to complement the learning scenario ‘Animals for human welfare and humans for animal welfare’, in combination with other Additional Resources such as ‘Introduction to Three Rs’ and ‘Three Rs Podcast Series – Episode 7’. Teachers can implement the activity after the indicated resources. Alternatively, the activity can be implemented after a brief introduction to the Three Rs principles to create an interest in learning more about the topic. Get resource
- Replacement of Animal Models: Make your Own Microfluidic Device – Salim Isidora
The focus of this additional resource is the ‘Replacement’ principle of the Three Rs. The purpose of this activity is to familiarise students with the alternative methods that are used to replace animal models in scientific research. It emphasises the integrated and pluridisciplinary nature of the Three Rs, including laboratory research, biomedical engineering and computational modelling. The activity will also engage the students in hands-on activities that allow them to practice and develop skills such as creative and mechanical thinking. Get resource
Resources for secondary schools
During the Pilot phase of the Three Rs project, EUN together with the pilot teachers developed six learning scenarios, which were tested by volunteer teachers in their classrooms. The learning activities also culminated in the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) “ The Three Rs and Animal Use in Science”, hosted on European Schoolnet Academy’s online course platform.
Below you find the six learning scenarios, which have been designed by 12 teachers from across Europe and were officially published in February 2020 as part of the online course.
- How society uses and misuses animals? – Jonathan González Viñas, Ismail Ali Gago
In this learning scenario students will be made aware of the different “uses and misuses” of animals in our societies such as for the production of food and clothing, religion and cultural traditions, entertainment, pet-therapy, etc., and improve their own learning skills. Get resource
- To use or not to use live animals in science – Ana Cristina Louro, Clarisse Ferreira
In this learning scenario pupils will learn about the Three Rs principles. They will be confronted with different methodologies used in science in order to raise awareness on the need or not of using live animals for scientific research. Get resource
- Sustainable science: The Three Rs – Fausto Senia, Maela Del Grammastro
This learning scenario leads to the definition of the Three Rs principles and how these principles have been at the basis of the development of a European legislation on the use of animals in experimental laboratories. Emphasis will be given to the importance of the Three Rs in science for the development of alternative methods. Get resource
- Human-Based Science: Where humans can do it on their own – Alexia Micallef Gatt, Konrad Pirotta
This learning scenario challenges the idea that animal testing is unavoidable due to the lack of alternative options to carry out research and conduct tests. Thus, the aim is to illustrate such innovative methods and the way they are being applied. Get resource
- Critical thinking: Emotions versus facts – Glenn Embrechts, Karin Van den Eynde
This learning scenario aims at stimulating students to think critically about animal welfare in science. This critical thinking is induced by organising a debate on animal welfare. A public website has been created to guide the preparation and organisation of the debate. Get resource
- A Three Rs Pilot project Learning Scenario: Animal experimentation in scientific literacy – Candan Kafali, Bengü Bozlar
This learning scenario aims to understand and differentiate good science/bad science (fake news, pseudoscience, etc.), while pupils acquire knowledge on animal experiments and animal welfare. Get resource
Helping Jerry – Augmented reality escape room –Rakovac-Bekeš Ella
This learning scenario is focused on refinement and raising awareness of high school students about different topics in animal testing and the Three Rs. By solving various mathematical puzzles, they will apply mathematical principles in real life and embrace the Three Rs Principles. This lesson will also allow teachers to realise the importance of augmented reality (AR) technology as a tool for learning, whilst having fun by going through an AR escape room helping a lab mouse Jerry. The strategies they utilized would bring them to the end of the AR escape room, where Jerry’s quality of life would be improved (Refinement). Get resource
During Phase II of the project, EUN together with 16 lead teachers developed the following learning scenarios and additional resources for secondary school teachers. The materials are based on three main principles of the Three Rs, specifically Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of animal use in science and usually take an interdisciplinary approach to them. These resources were linked to existing pedagogical trends and the 21st century skills, in order to help teachers to integrate the Three Rs in their curriculum and prepare students for future careers in the field.
The materials listed below, can be used as part of one lesson, or throughout several lessons. Learning scenarios can be also implemented as project-based based interdisciplinary activities that could be implemented in collaboration with several teachers. While generally intended for STEM classes, materials can be implemented in non-STEM classes with small adaptations.
- What the HeLa? – Adelaide Dura
This learning scenario aims at introducing the principles of the Three Rs (Replacement, Reduction and Refinement), as well as the use of animals for drug testing to students. Specifically, it focuses on in vitro methods as a valuable alternative to animal testing in science. The students will learn not only how to cultivate cells in a lab environment, but they will also become familiar with Henrietta Lacks whose cancer cells are the source of the HeLa cell line. Get resource
Supporting material for the 3D in vitro lab tour and the learning scenarios ‘What the HeLa?’ and ‘Human-based science, where humans can do it on their own’. Get resource
- Animals for Human Welfare and Humans for Animal Welfare – Balasoiu Doinita
The students will use critical thinking techniques to identify health and wellbeing benefits for humans of owning a pet or a service animal as well as issues regarding human concerns to ensure animal welfare. The students will be provided with adequate information and will have to elaborate their arguments and prepare a presentation, in a creative form, agreed in the work team. The result can take the form of a presentation, an infographic, or any other form that students could realistically achieve. Get resource
- Beauty and the Beast: The Ugly and Dark Side of Beauty Makeup – Emma Abbate
This learning scenario aims at making students aware of issues related to animal rights by carrying out online research on cruelty-free personal care products and labels. Students are informed of the state-of play of cosmetics testing on animals in order to find a way to spread the ban globally: they are guided to reflect on the ethical issues that surround animal experimentation by taking real-life actions, such as developing a campaign designed to drive forward a global future where cosmetics production is free from animal testing entirely, in order to support the EU Parliament’s goal of a blanket global ban of animal testing on cosmetics by 2023. Get resource
- Animal use around the world – Konrad Pirotta
This learning scenario is about animal use in science in four major regions around the world, progress made in the reduction of animals used in science, possible alternatives to animal use in science for the present and foreseeable future and improving animals’ living conditions in present-day situations. Co-operation rather than competition is the key to long-term sustainable improvements. Get resource
- Reducing the Suffering of Animals in Animal Testing – Gamze TÜREDI, Lyubov Vasylchuk, Isidora Salim
This lesson is focused on Refinement – one of the Three Rs principles. The aim is to engage students in the design thinking and ideation process to propose solutions for improving the living conditions and treatment, to minimize the suffering of animals in laboratories. By identifying needs of specific animals, students will be able to develop solutions that could lead to improvement of that animal’s welfare. The outcome of this learning scenario should be small prototypes, ideas and possible solutions and suggestions for lab animals. Get resource
- Three Rs: Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of animal use in science – Korakaki Eleni, Lyubov Vasylchuk, Isidora Salim
This learning scenario aims to help students understand why animals are used in science and what the ethical, societal, and scientific challenges are. In addition, it raises their awareness of new scientific laboratory techniques without the use of living animals according to the Three R´s principles. Get resource
- EU mission to keep Jerry safe – Kubátová Eva and Grand-Meyer Eddy, and Salim Isidora
The aim of this learning scenario is to introduce secondary school students to the principles of the Three Rs of Animal use in science and provide them with an overview of EU legislation on the topic, as well as encourage them to research the jobs and related fields of study that are necessary for the promotion of the Three Rs principles. While all three Rs are introduced, a particular emphasis is put on “Replacement” with a mission to save a beloved pop-culture Mouse (Jerry) from being used as a test subject. Get resource
- Sustainable Science – Mavrodieva Svetla
This learning scenario will introduce young students to animal rights, animal research, alternatives to animal testing and animal care, as well as to the prospective Three Rs careers. It will also look at the Three Rs principles and their importance in governing the field of use of animals in science. Get resource
Additional Resources
- Introduction to the Three Rs – Sankara Aishwarya; Vasylchuk Lyubov
The aim of this PowerPoint Presentation is to introduce secondary school students to the concept of the Three Rs and prepare them for further learning and discovering of materials related to the topic. Get resource
- The Use of Animal in Sports and Cultural Activities – González Viñas Jonathan and Grand-Meyer Eddy
The purpose of this activity (complementary to the Three Rs Pilot project learning scenario: How society uses, and misuses animals) is to engage the students in a reflection on the use of animals in traditional and sporting activities. While the expected initial reaction of the students is to oppose the practice displayed based on animal welfare and ethical consideration, the activity aims to trigger a conversation on the economic, cultural, and religious implications of the practice and on the place that is given to animals in human society. The key areas of discussion are animal rights, ethics, culture, tradition, and economics. This resource can be used in biology, languages, sociology, and other relevant subjects. Get resource
- The Ethics of Animal Use in Science – Louro Ana, Ferreira Clarisse, and Grand-Meyer Eddy
This resource can be used in biology, philosophy, languages, and other relevant subjects. The purpose of this short activity in to encourage students to reflect on the use of animals in society and the different considerations towards animal rights based on species (Speciesism). By the end of the activity the students should understand animal use in science as a result of the Humans vs. Animals/Animals vs. Animals hierarchies and how we can use Three Rs to break them. Students should, also, critically look at their positioning when it comes to animal treatment and use in both society and science. Get resource
- Jobs in Three Rs – Kubatova Eva and Grand-Meyer Eddy
The purpose of this activity is to familiarise students with the jobs and careers involved in the Three Rs and gain an understanding of the skills and studies required to pursue them. It emphasises the integrated and pluri-disciplinary nature of the Three Rs topic, including laboratory research, computational modelling, ethical studies, environmental and animal rights legislation. The activity will also engage the students in active career research and emphasise strategic and analytical skills while supporting information processing and creative display skills. Get resource
- Three Rs Test-Game – Kafali Candan, Bozlar Bengü, Salim Isidora
The purpose of this activity is to test students’ knowledge and understanding of the Three Rs principles and general topic. Using this online in the classroom is an innovative and gamified evaluation method, that allows evaluation of understanding, retention and knowledge of the information related to the Three Rs. Additionally, this resource should motivate students to improve their knowledge on the topic. Get resource
- Spotting Fake News: Identifying Real Information and Bad Science in the Media and on the Internet – Kafali Candan, Bozlar Bengü and Grand-Meyer Eddy
The purpose of this activity is to engage the students in a reflection on fake news, how to spot them, and how the false news can spread. The resource also offers an additional opportunity for the classroom discussion on what is “bad science” and how false news related to science can influence our lives. The teacher can review resources available in the "bad science" section of the LS and use the activity to further the reflection on scientific literacy. This resource can be used in sciences, civics education, languages, and other relevant subjects and the key areas of discussion are media, Internet, social media, news, fake news, and science. Get resource
- EU mission to keep Jerry safe – Kubátová Eva, Grand-Meyer Eddy and Salim Isidora
The aim of this PowerPoint Presentation is to introduce secondary school students to the principles of the Three Rs of Animal Testing in scientific research and provide them with an overview of EU legislation on the topic, as well as encourage them to research the jobs and related fields of study that are necessary for the promotion of the Three Rs principles. While all three Rs are introduced, a particular emphasis is put on “Replacement” with a mission to save a beloved pop-culture Mouse (Jerry) from being used as a test subject. You can check also learning scenario available on the topic. Get resource
- Mind Map Jobs in the Three Rs: How to use Guide – Grand-Meyer Eddy, Salim Isidora
The purpose of this activity to familiarise students with the available career paths and expertise in the Three Rs field. Using podcasts in the classroom is an innovative way to develop critical 21st century life skills such as research skills, research literacy and media literacy. The activity also emphasises the integrated and pluri-disciplinary nature of the Three Rs topic. Get resource
- The Three Rs Podcast Series (8 items) – Hale Jon, Sankara Aishwarya, Grand-Meyer Eddy
Eight podcasts illustrate how scientists have refined techniques, are driven to reduce the use of animals in research and are developing new ways of investigating how diseases develop without using animals at all. Each podcast is divided into a separate additional resource file and is mainly targeted at complementing the use of the “Human-Based Science” learning scenario, the variety of interviewees and examples of Three Rs practices make the additional resource valuable to use with most of the pilot learning scenarios. However, any of the podcast resources can be used as stand-alone activities after a brief introduction to the Three Rs topic.
Episode 1: Happy pigs, tissue cultures and the Three Rs with Dr Jo Montgomery
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Episode 2: Epilepsy, slime mold and refining animal testing with Dr Alister Mcneish
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Episode 3: Leukaemia, human cells and replacing animal models with Dr Emma Jayne Minihane
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Episode 4: Mice, mental health, and the tail nick approach with Dr Sarah Bailey
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Episode 5: Irritable bowel disease, epigenetics and the importance of human samples with Ms Rachel Edgar
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Episode 6: Organ on a chip, outer space and modelling diseases with Dr Lucie Low
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Episode 7: Using in vitro cell-based approach and replacing animal models with Dr Gareth Jenkins
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Episode 8: Breast cancer, hydrogel and replacement models with Jessika, Elizabeth and Khoon
Get resource - Discovering Animal Research – Abbate Emma
This Additional Resource aims at facilitating students in discovering animal research and the Three Rs principles’ framework via two different approaches: a tour in a 360-degree vision Virtual Lab and classroom activities based on Three Rs career profiles’ material (video, podcast, career sheets and chat sessions). Students will acquire awareness and critical attitude about the ways in which animals are used in scientific, medical, and veterinary research. They will explore the scientific innovations and how these innovations can be linked to ethics. In addition, they will reveal STEM Careers through presentation of STEM Career option and case studies. This AR can be used on Science, Biology, Ethics, Ecology lessons. Get resource
- Replacement of Animal Models: Make your Own Microfluidic Device – Salim Isidora
The focus of this Additional Resource is the ‘Replacement’ principle of the Three Rs. The purpose of this activity is to familiarise students with the alternative methods that are used to replace animal models in scientific research. It emphasises the integrated and pluri-disciplinary nature of the Three Rs topic, including laboratory research, biomedical engineering, and computational modelling. The activity will also engage the students in hands-on activity that would allow them to practice and develop skills such as creative and mechanical thinking. Get resource
Three Rs Careers
Developed under the Three Rs project, the career profiles aim to provide students and teachers with a more informed image of the three principles to improve animal welfare in science by delivering job profiles. These career sheets will explain the kind of skills needed to work in the field of the Three Rs by the hand of experts.
- Researcher for an EU institution, Monica Piergiovanni. Get resource
- Programme Leader for an Animal Advocacy NGO, Luísa Bastos. Get resource
- Researcher in the field of neurotoxicology in vitro, David Pamies. Get resource
- Biokinetics scientist at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, Stavroula Sampani. Get resource
The Three Rs project has organised a series of podcast interviews with experts in the field of Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of animal use in science to inspire students to pursue similar career paths. During the interviews, experts talk about their study path, the key skills needed to do their job, and give advice to students interested in pursuing careers in a similar field.
- Researcher for an EU institution, Monica Piergiovanni. Get resource
- Programme Leader for an Animal Advocacy NGO, Luísa Bastos. Get resource
- Researcher in the field of neurotoxicology in vitro, David Pamies. Get resource
- Biokinetics scientist at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, Stavroula Sampani. Get resource
The Three Rs project has organised a series of interviews with experts in the field of Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of animal use in science. In these interviews, professionals will explain their day to day work, the career paths they followed and why this is an important field of study.
- Researcher for an EU institution, Monica Piergiovanni. Get resource
- Programme Leader for an Animal Advocacy NGO, Luísa Bastos. Get resource
- Researcher in the field of neurotoxicology in vitro, David Pamies. Get resource
- Biokinetics scientist at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, Stavroula Sampani. Get resource
The Three Rs project has organised online video chats with experts in the field of Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of animal use in science. During these chats, students had a chance to ask these experts about their work, the future of animals in scientific study, and how to follow in the scientists' footsteps.
- Researcher for an EU institution, Monica Piergiovanni. Get resource
- Programme Leader for an Animal Advocacy NGO, Luísa Bastos. Get resource
- Researcher in the field of neurotoxicology in vitro, David Pamies. Get resource
- Biokinetics scientist at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, Stavroula Sampani. Get resource
Stories of implementation
Stories of implementation from primary school teachers:
- “The Three Rs – new experience for my students”, a Story of Implementation using the Learning Scenario “Animal Experimentation and Scientific Literacy” by Alina Marilena Budulenau
- “New generations for the Three Rs”, a Story of Implementation using the Learning Scenario “How society uses and misuses animals” by Georgia Lascaris
- “Shaping your own opinion and awareness”, a Story of Implementation using the Learning Scenario “To use or not live animals in science?” by Maria Barouta
- “The Three Rs – developing empathy and critical thinking”, a Story of Implementation using the Learning Scenario “Human-Based Science: Where Humans Can Do it on Their Own” by Slavica Kubareva Stojkovikj
- “Three Rs for all – adapting the materials to fit learners needs”, a Story of Implementation using the Learning Scenario “Critical Thinking: Emotions vs. Facts” by Liliana Fernandes
- “Interesting and strong arguments in the Three Rs Debate”, a Story of Implementation using the Learning Scenario “Critical Thinking – debate on Emotions vs Facts” by Sofia Chaskou
- “Engagement in the real-world issues and authentic learning”, a Story of Implementation using the Learning Scenario “Sustainable Science” by Sophia Kouzouli
Stories of implementation from secondary school teachers:
- “Three Rs – challenging students’ view on science”, a Story of Implementation using the Learning Scenario “Human-Based Science: Where humans can do it on their own?” by Jon Hale
- “Enriching social and communication competencies”, a Story of Implementation using the Additional Resource “The Ethics of Animal Use in Science” by Camelia Timofte
- “Where Science and Technology meet”, a Story of Implementation using the Learning Scenario “To use or not to use live animals in science” by Serap Günbatar
- “Interdisciplinarity and careers in Three Rs”, a Story of Implementation using the Learning Scenario “Reducing the suffering of animals in animal testing – Refinement” by Iro Koliakou
- “A perfect topic for searching connections between disciplines and career paths”, a Story of Implementation using the Additional Resource “Jobs in Three Rs” by Irena Ribinskiene
- “Bridging everyday life and the learning process”, a Story of Implementation using the Learning Scenario “Beauty and the Beast: The Ugly and Dark Side of Beauty Makeup” by Kamil Melih Akay
- “The Three Rs story about the Beauty and the Beast”, a Story of Experience within the Three Rs Project by Emma Abbate
- “Collaboration: a key for successful implementation”, a Story of Experience within the Three Rs Project by Clarisse Ferreira
- “Alternative methods to replace animal testing”, a Story of Experience within the Three Rs Project by Candan Kafali
- “Don’t let Jerry suffer in the lab – Three Rs and Biology”, a Story of Experience within the Three Rs Project by Eva Kubatova
- “Storytelling to pass on Three Rs values”, a Story of Experience within the Three Rs Project by Alexia Micallef Gatt
- “Three Rs chats with experts: Motivating students to pursue science”, a Story of the Three Rs Project experience by Ana Louro
- “Three Rs: enhancing interest in science and animal welfare for students and teachers”, a Story of the Three Rs Project experience by Glenn Embrechts
Implementation Videos
Besides, lead teachers of the Three Rs Project and Scientix Ambassadors shared their impressions from the implementation of the Three Rs learning scenarios and additional resources with their primary and secondary school students. We invite you to check out the videos for inspiration!
Three Rs lead teachers shared their experience with the Project:
Reports and Teacher Training Materials
The Three Rs project has organised online video chats with experts in the field of Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of animal use in science.
- The Three Rs Project Brochure. Get resource
- The Three Rs Validation Report, Salim, Isidora; Vasylchuk, Lyubov; Dr Gras-Velazquez, Agueda; Grand-Meyer, Eddy. Get resource
“How To Connect Theory and Practice in Class: The Value Of Teaching about the Three Rs and Animal Use In Science” - Trainer’s Guide – Vasylchuk Lyubov; Salim Isidora; Molina Ascanio Miriam; Sankara Aishwarya
This detailed step-by-step trainers’ guide will help teachers and educators to teach their peers on what the Three Rs is and how to integrate the lessons in their own subject. The workshop materials are designed for online, in-person or hybrid methods of teaching. The trainer/teacher is able to adjust the materials to their own needs by selecting among compulsory and optional activities. The structure of the workshop is split among session, which makes it convenient for implementing as one training session or to break it into several lessons/sessions. Get resource
Three Rs project aims to promote alternatives to animal testing and the Three Rs through education and has been initiated by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) and supported by the European Parliament under a Preparatory Action entitled “Promoting alternatives to animal testing”. The project is coordinated by European Schoolnet (EUN) on behalf of the JRC. The Three Rs project is also supported by Scientix, funded from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme – project Scientix 4 (Grant Agreement N. 101000063). The content is the sole responsibility of the organiser and it does not represent the opinion of the European Commission (EC), and the EC is not responsible for any use that might be made of information contained.