Let's introduce ourselves - ας συστηθούμε!
Mina Theofilatou, modificato 13 Anni fa.
Let's introduce ourselves - ας συστηθούμε!
Community member Messaggi: 5 Data di Iscrizione: 10/02/11 Messaggi Recenti
My name is Mina Theofilatou and I teach Informatics and Technology at the Evening High School of Argostoli, Kefalonia, Greece. I will be at the Scientix conference in Brussels in May. Looking forward to discussing about our projects, and to meeting the participants who will be at the conference
Γεια σας!
Υπάρχει άλλος έλληνας εδώ; Χαιρετισμούς από Αργοστόλι, Κεφαλονιά! (Εσπερινό Γυμνάσιο - Τάξεις Λυκείου)
My name is Mina Theofilatou and I teach Informatics and Technology at the Evening High School of Argostoli, Kefalonia, Greece. I will be at the Scientix conference in Brussels in May. Looking forward to discussing about our projects, and to meeting the participants who will be at the conference

Γεια σας!
Υπάρχει άλλος έλληνας εδώ; Χαιρετισμούς από Αργοστόλι, Κεφαλονιά! (Εσπερινό Γυμνάσιο - Τάξεις Λυκείου)
Erika Dubinska, modificato 13 Anni fa.
RE: Let's introduce ourselves - ας συστηθούμε!
Community member Invia: 1 Data di Iscrizione: 18/03/11 Messaggi Recenti
My name is Erika and I am teaching at Balozi secondary school in Latvia. I will also be attending the Scientix conference 2011 and I am looking forward to meet you all!
My name is Erika and I am teaching at Balozi secondary school in Latvia. I will also be attending the Scientix conference 2011 and I am looking forward to meet you all!
Mina Theofilatou, modificato 13 Anni fa.
RE: Let's introduce ourselves - ας συστηθούμε!
Community member Messaggi: 5 Data di Iscrizione: 10/02/11 Messaggi Recenti
Hello Erika
I look forward to meeting you and other teachers from all over Europe. I am sure the forum will become more active after the conference
I look forward to meeting you and other teachers from all over Europe. I am sure the forum will become more active after the conference

premysl velek, modificato 13 Anni fa.
RE: Let's introduce ourselves - ας συστηθούμε!
Moderator=regular-role:Message Boards Administrator Community member Messaggi: 11 Data di Iscrizione: 10/03/11 Messaggi Recenti
Hello Erika, Hello Mina,
Just to let you know, I've created a new thread just for the Scientix conference participants to introduce themselves to others and share their thoughts on the conference.
So If you want, you can continue the discussion there, hopefully the others will join you.
Scientix editor
Just to let you know, I've created a new thread just for the Scientix conference participants to introduce themselves to others and share their thoughts on the conference.
So If you want, you can continue the discussion there, hopefully the others will join you.
Scientix editor
Andreu Català, modificato 13 Anni fa.
RE: Let's introduce ourselves - ας συστηθούμε!
Community member Messaggi: 14 Data di Iscrizione: 09/01/12 Messaggi RecentiErika Dubinska:
My name is Erika and I am teaching at Balozi secondary school in Latvia. I will also be attending the Scientix conference 2011 and I am looking forward to meet you all!
My name is Erika and I am teaching at Balozi secondary school in Latvia. I will also be attending the Scientix conference 2011 and I am looking forward to meet you all!
Hola Erika
el meu nom és Andreu i faig classes a un Institut d'un petit poble de Catalunya. Totes les classes les fem en català.
Malauradament no em vaig assabentar de la conferència de Scientix al 2011, però espero poder participar en alguna altra conferència europea en el futur.
Dora Metow, modificato 13 Anni fa.
RE: Let's introduce ourselves - ας συστηθούμε!
Community member Messaggi: 15 Data di Iscrizione: 08/01/12 Messaggi Recenti
I teach maths and phsics in a small rural school in mid France. Nice meeting you all!
yuri cardoso, modificato 12 Anni fa.
RE: Let's introduce ourselves - ας συστηθούμε!
Community member Messaggi: 5 Data di Iscrizione: 29/02/12 Messaggi Recenti
I'm new in these communities, and am so glad to meet you all! I work in a small suburb of Lisbon, and teach the full STEM spectrum to students in upper high school.
I have scanned through the different communities and posts and hope to learn a lot from you all!
See you!
I have scanned through the different communities and posts and hope to learn a lot from you all!
See you!