Complex systems: signal processing, artificial intelligence and system engi

Paul Gerhard, modificato 14 Anni fa.

Complex systems: signal processing, artificial intelligence and system engi

Community member Messaggi: 8 Data di Iscrizione: 27/05/10 Messaggi Recenti
I am a researcher in the field of complex system. My research interest are in signal processing, artificial intelligence and system engineering. Are there information about such thematics? Are you interesting to initialize project in such fields?
Many thanks.
Jean-Christophe Lavocat, modificato 14 Anni fa.

RE: Complex systems: signal processing, artificial intelligence and system

Community member Messaggi: 3 Data di Iscrizione: 22/11/10 Messaggi Recenti
Hehe, is it the French forum or not? ;-) Is it Brigitte or Paul who ask? This post is really étrange ;-)

Just to let you know that (also in this post) the world is very small. When I was still student I have been the webmaster for an optics conference called Optical Complex Systems. As a graduate school project, I was dealing with quantum artificial intelligence, and I am now doing my PhD in a group of photonics called Optics of Complex systems.

Anyhow, I am interested in the field of artificial intelligence in general, and could provide some hints about quantum AI.