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About the project

With the Education resilience in Europe initiative, Scientix supports innovative solutions to integrate children into new educational environments. The initiative identifed and supports 15 projects which provide good practices, tools, and recommendations for a smoother integration of children from different social, economic, and geographical backgrounds.

To be selected, projects could be new ideas or prototypes ready to be implemented in a new or wider context. They had to have a clear vision of their next steps and had to provide measurable indications of the results/key objectives to be reached.

The selected projects:

  • target teachers or parents by addressing their professional development and/or engagement;

  • focus on students from primary and secondary schools (targeting 3 years old to 21 years old);

  • have clear aims, goals and outcomes;

  • aim to develop resilience in classrooms;

  • support a culture of inclusivity and diversity, strengthening STEM skills;

  • address issues of migration, displacement, and relocation in connection with formal education; and

  • reflect on their added value.

Latest news

Education Resilience in Europe reports challenges and solutions

The Scientix STE(A)M Partnership "Education Resilience in Europe" has published an extensive report, which outlines the needs of teachers to better integrate students with an immigrant background in their classes, and proposes possible solutions to the teachers' challenges in this context.

The report, titled "Teaching immigrant students: challenges, needs and available solutions" is available for download here.

The goal of Education Resilience in Europe has been to identify the challenges that are present in the classroom currently, to find opportunity to do better, and to provide solutions and resources to teachers that can assist in their classrooms while they teach immigrant students.

To identify the challenges, the initiative designed and conducted a mix-method study, which consisted in 3 semi-structured group interviews and an online survey. In addition, the initiative identified and supported a set of local initiatives that would develop and pilot practical resources for teachers and immigrant students in response to the needs identified by the research. 

This final report includes: 

  • A literature review providing the theoretical framework for the project, including definitions, models, policies, and practices, relating to immigrant education. 
  • The survey design which was distributed to teachers with the help of the Scientix Community. 
  • The analysis of the quantitative data found from the 836 valid responses that were acquired from teachers in 41 countries.
  • The qualitative analysis from focus groups with teachers.


Previously published news

Read previously published news about the initiative here.

About Education resilience in Europe

Over the past years, Europe has encouraged the movement of citizens between different regions and countries for different reasons including career changes. Furthermore, Europe has attracted families moving from areas with fewer resources or suffering from political conflicts. Integrating new children at different times of the school year into a new classroom, from different backgrounds and with – in many cases – emotional baggage can be very challenging.

The STE(A)M Partnerships programme of Scientix (the community for science education in Europe) promotes the collaboration between several organisations to develop research and testing initiatives for new approaches for creative and innovative science, technology, engineering, and maths (STEM) teaching and learning opportunities connected to existing national practices. These new approaches are tested locally, nationally, or internationally.

Stay tuned for weekly video releases, and we'll update the links as each video becomes available!

Click the icons below to watch the videos on the research results and the solutions proposed by these projects!


The Projects

The following projects were selected. Click on any icon to view more information about the corresponding project. Below the icons, you will find a table with an overview of the features of each project.



Overview of the project features