The Science Topics Networking Seminars (STNS) are events centred on a specific topic or challenge in STEM education. These events bring together key stakeholders: Ministries of Education (MoEs), teachers, researchers, industry partners, project coordinators, managers, and other representatives, from European and national science education projects.
In these closed events participants present their work, share, and exchange their experiences, and create new collaborations and partnerships.
Moreover, the events will focus on discussing relevant STEM topics, identifying barriers and opportunities, as well as defining a set of recommendations or follow up actions to ensure better, high-equality outcomes for these educational challenges.
If you would like to take part in a networking event to share your expertise on the specific topic, please contact Miriam Molina Ascanio, miriam.molina (at)
Upcoming events
- More information available soon
Planned events
- More information available soon
Past events
- Wed 26 October 2022, online: Inclusive STEM Learning Environments: What are the key elements to ensure all students have equal opportunities to learn STEM? Co-organised by SpicE and Far Beyond the Barriers. (More information)
- Wed 12 October 2022, online: Innovative STEM Teaching: What are the latest trends in STEM education? Co-organised by Make it Open and SEEDS. (More information)
- Wed 28 September 2022, online: STEM goes Digital: How can technology support STEM teaching? Co-organised by FizziQ and M@thgan. (More information)
- Wed 29 June 2022, online: Early STEM: What are the needs in teacher training to explore STEM with the younger students? Co-organised by Scientix and GFOSS. (More information)
- Wed 1 June 2022, online: STEM in the Future: What is the role of schools in the Green Transition? Co-organised by Scientix, GreenSCENT and Life Terra. (More information)
- Fri 29 April 2022, online: STEM Female Leaders: How successful programmes are reducing the gender gap in STEM fields? Co-organised by Scientix, GEM and URBANAGE. (More information)
- Fri 24 May 2019, Galway: 15th Scientix Projects Networking Event on "Sustainability of Projects. Co-organised by Scientix, Cell EXPLORES and NUI Galway. (More information)
- Wed 5 September 2018, Athens: 14th Scientix Projects Networking Event on Research into the classroom. Co-organised by Scientix, GFOSS, Jet Propulsion Theatre, EDU-ARCTIC, and ERIS (More information)
- Wed 27 June 2018, Brussels: 13th Scientix Projects Networking Event on STEM in primary education. Co-organised by Scientix, GFOSS - Open Technologies Alliance, Cell EXPLORES and NUI Galway. (More information)
- Tuesday 5th December 2017, Brussels: 12th Scientix Projects Networking Event on Gender and innovation in STE(A)M education. Co-organised by Scientix, PERFORM and GEDII (More information)
- Friday 18th March 2016, Brussels: 11th Scientix Projects Networking Event on The importance for STEM education of Head of schools associations and Teacher associations" and "Teaching the History of Science nowadays." (More information)
- Friday 26th February 2016, Brussels: 10th Scientix Projects Networking Event on Introduction of new STEM topics in the curriculum (e.g. Environmental studies, active citizenship, space education, robotics etc.) (More information)
- Friday 6th November 2015, Brussels: 9th Scientix Projects Networking Event on Experiencing STEM and Digital Skills inside and outside of the classroom in collaboration with I-LINC. (More information)
- Friday 16th October 2015, Brussels: 8th Scientix Projects Networking Event on Evaluation within projects in conjunction with the SPW@FCL for teachers event 16 - 18 October 2015. (More information)
- Friday 19 June 2015, Brussels: 7th Scientix Projects Networking Event on Involving other third parties, organizations and advisers in European projects (who, how, what for) in conjunction with the SPW@FCL for teachers from friends of Scientix event 19 - 21 June 2015. (More information)
- Friday 8 May 2015, Brussels:6th Scientix Projects Networking Event on Cross-curricula activities in projects & whole-school activities involvement in conjunction with the SPW@FCL for Heads of Schools event 8 - 10 May 2015. (More information)
- Friday 24 Apr 2015, London: 5th Scientix Projects Networking Event on Materials created in projects: hands-on, online portals, papers... in collaboration with TEMI project and Queen Mary University of London, and in conjunction with the Cycle 3 Teachers' Panel Kick-off 2. (More information.)
- Thursday 16 Apr 2015, Barcelona: 4th Scientix Projects Networking Event on Responsible Research and Innovation and STE(A)M in collaboration with the RRI Tools project, the STEAMBarcelona conference and Fundació la Caixa. (More information)
- Friday 20 Feb 2015, Brussels: 3rd Scientix Projects’ Networking Event on Teachers participation in STEM projects. (More information)
- 5th September 2014, Brussels: 2nd Scientix Projects Networking Event on Teachers training in European projects and Policy recommendations. (More information)
- 27 – 29th November 2013, Brussels: 1st Scientix Projects Networking Event on Communication and Dissemination activities (Macro event organized in collaboration with Proconet, PrimasDESIRE and Web2LLP , in conjunction with the Primas final conference.) Projects that were represented: Scientix, INSTEM, SAILS, ISE, Web2LLP, Proconet, Pathway, Primas, Go-Lab, Global excursion, e-Skills, inGenious, nanOpinion, DESIRE.