My favourite resource

Irina Vasilescu (Romania): statistics and you

My favourite resource is Statistics and You. It’s a kit for creating a collaborative project focused on knowing each other’s environment and way of life by using presentations that include simple statistical tools. I like it because it connects Math to every-day life and turns it into a vehicle for mutual understanding.

Statistics and You in the Scientix repository ››

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Hermann Morgenbesser (Austria): Solar car

My favourite resource is Solar Car where students discover and explore solar energy and how it can be used in transportation, all in the proper mathematical and scientific content. I like it because it is well designed and simply a cool idea.

Solar Car in the Scientix repository ››

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Cornelia Melcu (Romania): Design your Alien

As I teach young students, my favourite resource is Design your Alien. In this teaching material, students review the environmental factors that make the Earth habitable and they compare them to other worlds within our Solar System. I like this resource because it encourages creative thinking, environmental awareness and a sense of global citizenship.

Design your Alien in the Scientix repository ››

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Milorad Vuckovic (Croatia): Building a Glider with Everyday Materials

My favourite resource is Building a Glider with Everyday Materials. I like it because pupils learn about flight and aeronautical engineering. They can discover more about the properties of materials, the forces involved in flight as well as getting the chance to build, test and evaluate their own gliders.

Building a Glider with Everyday Materials in the Scientix repository ››

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Keskusteluryhmät (Favourite resource)

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