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Why is your company joining the STEM Alliance?

The pandemic has dramatically exacerbated inequalities in educational opportunities. That has led to a greater focus on improving digital learning access for every student – so they can fulfil their potential. This is the spirit of the Global Education Coalition of UNESCO, which we joined in November 2020.

We have a long history in bridging STEM skills gaps among students globally – through our Qualcomm® Thinkabit Lab™ and our strategic partnerships with organisations like FIRST (For the Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology). Our Wireless Reach™ program amplifies our impact by bringing advanced wireless technologies to typically underserved communities around the world. That includes in education, where we're reducing barriers to the adoption of wireless technology both in and out of the classroom in order to increase equitable access to quality teaching and learning opportunities.

Qualcomm is looking forward to working with STEM Alliance and its partners to bring together Industries, education stakeholders and Ministries of Education to promote STEM education and careers to young Europeans and to address anticipated future skills gaps.


Why is STEM Education a priority for your company?

One of Qualcomm's key objectives is to foster a diverse and inclusive workforce by advancing STEM education for students at all levels and from all backgrounds. As technology leaders and a company of inventors, we are committed to providing future innovators with the skills and knowledge to solve global challenges and succeed in technology-related careers.

Qualcomm's 2025 Goal is to continue to foster the next generation of innovators by inspiring 1.5 million students and teachers across the globe through strategic STEM initiatives and partnerships:

  • We bridge the STEM skills gap among students globally;
  • Our programs build STEM capacity among teachers and educators;
  • We engage women and underrepresented minorities in STEM fields;
  • Our employees serve as STEM ambassadors in our communities.


What does your company want to achieve with its support to the STEM Alliance?

Elementary, secondary, and post-secondary institutions – as well as education policymakers – should be dedicating themselves to agreeing on a vision for tomorrow's learning. A vision for a blended learning model for education that is effective, inclusive and engaging.

Blended learning allows for more freedom and flexibility in the education system. However, the system has to be prepared to take full advantage of these benefits by ensuring access, infrastructure and connectivity for all students and teaching staff.

Qualcomm is looking forward to continued engagement with the STEM Alliance, its partners and network to turn this vision into reality.


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