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Why is your company joining the STEM Alliance?

For Cisco Networking Academy:

  • To actively promote the initiatives developed in the STEM area and benefit from a European evaluation framework.
  • To strengthen Company Social Responsibility and involvement in, with and for the society.
  • To improve effectiveness of recruitment processes, for example entry-point programs.
  • To receive feedback from schools on testing of industrial practices in pedagogical contexts.
  • To ensure greater visibility to Networking Academy Program as part of STEM promotion.
  • To secure connection with schools and obtain feedback on industry based trainings and Networking Academy relevance for schools, especially vocational education and secondary education.


Broader outcomes expected:

  • To increase the number of STEM teachers with access to Cisco Networking Academy and STEM Alliance resources.
  • To support effective action to address inadequate take-up of STEM education by ensuring that explicit mechanisms for that purpose are operating in each European country.
  • To help reduce the current shortage of STEM teachers in Europe by providing new generations of teachers with innovative STEM teaching approaches benefiting from industry-education cooperation in all its forms.
  • To strengthen industry-education cooperation in STEM education within schools by creating an ecosystem of school cooperation through the European Schoolnet network.


Why is STEM Education a priority for your company?

STEM education is a priority for CISCO because:

  • As a global leader in ICT industry, we would like to encourage young people to develop interest in STEM.
  • We want to contribute to bring STEM to the next level (by combining STEM with the Internet of Everything, since the IoE catches the topics of STEM).
  • It's our motivation to qualify and to train the next generation of problem-solvers.
  • We are ready to use the capacity of Netacad to the STEM project because the content of our learning material can be linked to the topics of STEM.


What does your company want to achieve with its support to the STEM Alliance?

Cisco is providing a grant that will be used to support the costs of the organization of STEM Education promotion in European schools project coordination and the activities organized in collaboration between Cisco and the network of Ministries of Education and schools (teachers and pupils). The grant will cover on one hand human resources costs (man days of employees and in-house consultants) and operational expenses such as logistics for creation of technical platform, production of promotional and training material, reports and travels on the other hand.


Cisco will also provide EUN with the following support:

  • HR commitment: an operational person responsible for the implementation of the project, linked to e.g. the education, CSR or HR team within the company.
  • Offering visits to Cisco facilities for teachers/students.
  • Provision of volunteer STEM professionals to engage in webinars, online courses, school visits and coaching for teachers/students activities.
  • Shared information on existing STEM education activities offered or planned by Cisco across the EU.
  • Hosting teachers for short internships in Cisco facilities.



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