Dissemination PACKAGE for the 2021 STEM Discovery CAMPAIGN
This dissemination package demonstrates how you can best promote the campaign online with your audiences. Please feel free to adapt the content for your own style and purposes.
Key actions you can take to promote the 2021 STEM Discovery Campaign:
- Use the suggested posts for dissemination on your social media channels
- Share relevant posts with the #SDC21 hashtag, tagging @scientix_eu on Twitter and @European Schoolnet on Facebook
- Use the information for any other available dissemination channel you may have (e.g. newsletter, bulletin, digest)
- Pass on the information to anyone who could be interested in this topic
- Become a partner of the 2021 STEM Discovery Campaign by creating a web page based on our easy-to-use guide for partners available here: http://bit.ly/SDC21-partners
Additional actions you can take to promote the 2021 STEM Discovery Campaign:
- Share the information about the 2021 STEM Discovery Campaign and/or an activity you are organising
- Tag in comments your colleagues or organisations that might be interested in joining the campaign or share information with them personally
- Use the designs available below to keep the consistent look and increase the visibility of the campaign
Go to a dedicated web page of the Scientix online portal for up-to-date information about the campaign: http://www.scientix.eu/events/campaigns/sdc21
Visual materials to use
Click here to use our dissemination messages!