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The 2021 STEM Discovery Campaign is a joint international initiative organised by Scientix that invites projects, organisations, libraries, schools, universities and youth clubs across Europe and around the world, to celebrate careers and studies in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

The tagline for this year’s campaign is:

Sustainability and Citizenship

We believe it’s the time to take action and encourage every stakeholder involved in education to organise activities that will increase students’ awareness about these topics, highlighting relevant skills that students will need in the near future.

Running from the 1st of February 2021 until the 30th of April 2021 with a peak of activities during the week of 23-30th April, the STEM Discovery Campaign is a celebration of the ongoing commitment and work carried out by dedicated teachers and any every stakeholder in education to improve science education and literacy in Europe.

We encourage everyone to get involved in the 2021 STEM Discovery Campaign by organising STEM activities and featuring them on the STEM Discovery Campaign map! Here are some ideas of what you can do to contribute to one of the biggest STEM campaigns worldwide:

Every action listed above can be included on the STEM Discovery Campaign map and therefore help us encourage more people to organise educational activities on the topics of sustainability and citizenship!


By committing to the 2021 STEM Discovery Campaign, the partners agree to:

  • Organise and share information about (online) activities and actions in STEM education as part of the STEM Discovery Campaign.
  • Encourage third parties to support and join the initiative by organising STEM activities (online) or actions of their own and share information about them as part of the STEM Discovery Campaign.
  • Publish on their web page information in support of the STEM Discovery Campaign, hence facilitating an active exchange of information among projects, organisations and schools.

For more information on the registration steps that potential partners need to follow, please consult the document "Guide for partners".


Include it on the map! Participants organising an online STEM event or a STEM activity at school from 1 February to 30 April 20201 may also enter the STEM Discovery Campaign competitions. Visit the competitions' section on the Scientix online portal for more information.

STEM Discovery Campaign activities' and actions' map

STEM Discovery Campaign Competitions

Project Description Terms and conditions
Scientix logo Scientix Competiton 1: STEM Acitivities invites you to organise any (online) activity that promotes STEM in the context of any STEM subject in your class between February and April 2021 and write a blog post in English on the STEM Discovery Campaign blog when your activity is done. Terms and conditions
Scientix logo

Scientix Competition 2: STEM Resources welcomes everyone who would like to organise any (online) activity based on a resource from the Scientix Resource Repository. After your activity is done, write a blog post in English on the STEM Discovery Campaign blog and tell us about what you did in your activity, what resources and materials you have used in order to implement the activity and how you involved your audience.

EXTRA: For this competition, you can also use Eurostat videos (available in the Education Corner of the Eurostat website and featured in the Scientix Repository of Resources) and/or Aerospace in Class Learning Scenarios (developed in the Aerospace in Class MOOC). Show us how you implement them in your teaching, together with additional learning materials offered by Eurostat or the Airbus Foundation Discovery Space, respectively!

Terms and conditions
The Clean Tech Competition is a unique, worldwide research and design challenge for pre-college youth. The program encourages scientific understanding of real-world issues and the integration of environmentally responsible energy sources. For the 2021 competition, the Spellman HV Clean Tech Challenge is “Preserving Planet Earth”, focusing on participation in the global fight against climate change.

More information

Terms and conditions

The colours of Science – Atelier for STE(A)M 2” Erasmus+ Project invites teachers and educators to show how they continue teaching in these difficult times and organizes a new competition to highlight the best practices in STEAM learning. This year we would like to know examples where remote learning is present. It would be very interesting to discover how we are adapting our work to this new reality, where we need to maintain active learning in a distance framework, to teach STEAM topics.

The best proposals will win a power bank and will be published in the website of the project, as examples of good practices.

More information

Terms and conditions


Working with other teachers makes the lessons more interesting and connected to real-life to students and your work more meaningful. Teaching in an integrated way STEM or even STEM with any other subject reflects like more accurately (and shows we need to work together to obtain the greatest achievements).

Share your integrated teaching practices through the STE(A)M IT competitions for primary (competition 1: 4 - 12 years old) and secondary (competition 2: 13 - 18 years old). Three strands available:

  • Stream 1: Submit a new Learning Scenario on Integrated STEM Teaching using the STE(A)M IT Template;
  • Stream 2: Submit a new Learning Scenario on Integrated STEM Teaching using the STE(A)M IT Template tried out with students (i.e. submit your Learning Scenario and a Story of Implementation explaining how it went with your students);
  • Stream 3: Try out one of the 11 original STE(A)M IT Learning Scenarios in class and tell us how it went with a Story of Implementation.

Winning Learning Scenarios and Stories of Implementation will be included in the Scientix repository as well as STE(A)M IT portal. Winners will also be invited to join the STE(A)M IT Career Advisors Network.

Terms and conditions

The STEM Alliance & STE(A)M IT - Professionals Go Back to School Competition encourages the integration of STEM Career topics in class through Career Sheets and (virtual) visits from STEM professionals to classrooms, among other options. It includes two streams:

  • Stream 1 - Professionals Go Back to School calls for the organisation of a collaborative activity with a STEM Professional and the creation of a STEM Career Sheet.
  • Stream 2 - STEM Professions calls for the organisation of an activity using STEM Alliance / STE(A)M IT materials like the STE(A)M IT Guidelines on how to present STEM jobs in classrooms.

Join now: Organise the activity, pin it to the STEM Discovery Map and submit the career sheet (stream 1) and/or tell us about your activity (stream 2) to be one of the 10 teachers to join the STE(A)M IT Career Advisors Network.

Terms and conditions

Make your lessons more nature-friendly integrating the topic of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) in your classes. One competition, three strands, up to 60 possible winners.

  • Stream 1: Submit a new Learning Scenario on NBS;
  • Stream 2: Submit a new Learning Scenario on NBS tried out with students (i.e. submit your Learning Scenario and a Story of Implementation explaining how it went with your students);
  • Stream 3: Try out one of the 15 original NBS Learning Scenarios in class and tell us how it went with a Story of Implementation.

Winning Learning Scenarios and Stories of Implementation will be included in the Scientix repository and other NBS portals and winning teachers will get exclusive visibility vis a vis the European Commission.

Terms and conditions

Leonardo 4 children logo The non-profit initiative “Leonardo 4 Children 2021: Climate Action & Gender Equality” is dedicated to addressing the issues of climate change and gender discrimination while supporting children in need through art and science education.
The initiative includes the following competitions across the European Union:
  1. European competition on “Fables on Climate Action” and "Fables on Gender Equality" for 6-12 years old children, deadline: 2 May 2021
  2. European competition on “Art & Science on Climate Action” and "Art & Science on Gender Equality" for 13-18 years old teenagers, deadline: 2 May 2021

Competition 1: Terms and conditions

Competition 1: Application form

Competition 2: Terms and conditions

Competition 2: Application form

STEM School Label logo

The Europeana Education Competition 2021 is an educational competition, which is organized in a two-tiered manner:

  • The first branch involves all members of the Europeana Education User Group of 2020-2021 (as part of the Europeana DSI-4 project).
  • The second branch of the competition is open to all primary and secondary school teachers, museum educators or any other CHI professional – e.g. librarians, archivists, curators, etc. – from European Union countries and Horizon 2020 associated countries who implemented a learning scenario from the Teaching with Europeana blog in their educational activities, either online or face-to-face.

Only entries in English, which follow the official competition template, and which are submitted during the official submission period (as outlined in the ‘Submission period’ section) will be eligible for this competition.

Terms and conditions

Share your Learning Scenarios on the Three Rs that you created during the The Three Rs and Animal Use in Science MOOC or new ones!

“The Three Rs in Education Competition for teachers 2021” encourages teachers to create and test materials that include alternatives to animal testing in science, making the lessons and learning scenarios more interesting and connected to real life for students. Up to 50 winning Learning Scenarios will be selected for publication under Scientix as well other European Commission portals and the top three winners will be invited to join the exclusive The Three Rs teachers’ panel .

Terms and conditions


Project Description Terms and conditions
Scientix logo Brand new Science Projects Online Workshops (SPOWs) for teachers planned for February, March and April on trees, moving toys, oceans, public speaking... Limited places.

More information

In collaboration with the 2021 STEM Discovery Campaign, Britannica LaunchPacks is offering a 2021 STEM Discovery Campaign account, where you can benefit from access to all our 1600+ pre-made lesson packs, covering all domains, including biology, chemistry, physics, and geology from Pre-K – Grade 12.

Each complete pack can be downloaded offline, shared through an email or Microsoft Teams and more importantly, can be customised to support personalised learning.

For more details on Britannica LaunchPacks see here and join one of the three Q&A sessions scheduled for:

More information


Request a free account here


AutoSTEM investigates how automata (moving toys) can promote a better understanding of STEM in young learners (4 to 8 years). During the 2021 STEM Discovery Campaign, AutoSTEM will offer two workshops during Science Projects Online Workshops:

  • Track one (Jelly Bird) will be for teachers of 4 to 6 year-olds that will focus on the development of engineering competencies of analysis and construction and to learn mathematical concepts within the construction and assembly process, including shapes and numbers.
  • Track two (The Catapult) for teachers of 6 to 8 year-olds and will focus on Mathematics including counting, addition, use of table, measuring, simple statistics, to learn about physics and mechanisms and to develop engineering competencies of analysis and construction.
More information and register
The European Commission challenges schools to Find the Blue and take the first steps to become agents for change and sustainability of the ocean and seas.  The EU4 Ocean workshops will focus on becoming a European Blue School by developing school projects on one of the three major ocean and sea issues: a) Food from the Ocean, b) Climate and Ocean, c) Healthy and Clean Ocean.

More information and register

In the spirit of raising citizen awareness of global issues through STEM education, STEM School Label powered by Scientix invites you to cast your vote for the most useful and relevant teaching materials under the STEM School Label categories “Connections” and “School Leadership and Culture” in the Scientix Resource Repository. The winning entries will be translated into 37 languages by the Scientix Translation Service. Voting ends on 30 April 2021. It is up to you! Step 1: Decide what should be translated; Step 2: Log into Scientix; Step 3: Vote; Step 4: Promote the awareness of the STEM School Label by adding in the STEM Discovery Campaign you have already voted!

More information on how to vote

After voting, share the news via the STEM Discovery Campaign Map!


Are you a teacher or educator interested in green topics like climate change and sustainability? Do you want to inspire the next generations to take climate action now to ensure a healthy future on our planet for generations to come? Want to know to plant ‘the right tree in the right place’?

Join the Life Terra workshop organised within the Science Projects Online Workshops and help your students understand the steps that need to be taken before planting a tree to successfully restore landscapes and biodiversity.

More information and register

  More opportunities available soon!