NCP North Macedonia

Center for Innovations and Digital Education Dig-Ed – North Macedonia

Center for Innovations and Digital Education Dig-Ed – North Macedonia

Center for innovations and digital education Dig-Ed is a nongovernment organization founded in February 2018. The main focus of DigEd activities is to empower teachers’ competences and skills in order to create innovative learning environments that can stimulate student learning. Part of the organization’s activities aim to increase digital competences among educators in order to provide means for innovative development of digital learning tools. In addition to this, Dig-Ed puts emphasize on creating digital education materials in the local language.

Dig-Ed members are represented as a combination of educators from all levels of education (primary school teachers, secondary school teachers, university professors), ICT professionals and entrepreneurs that understands the importance of digital competences in all areas of life. Although the organization was founded recently, its members have experience in different projects, initiative and reforms concerning the innovative approaches in education in North Macedonia and abroad.