The Scientix STEM Alliance

About us

The Scientix® STEM Alliance, coordinated by European Schoolnet (EUN), the network of 30+ Ministries of Education (MoEs) in Europe, brings together industries, education stakeholders and Ministries of Education to promote STEM jobs attractiveness across industries, fosters innovation in STEM teaching at all education levels, and ensures a skilled STEM workforce to enhance companies' competitiveness. It harmonizes industry-education initiatives at national, European, and global levels, prioritizes diversity and inclusiveness in STEM careers, and actively contributes to building knowledge on STEM education through advocacy to industry players and policymakers.

The Scientix STEM Alliance initiative provides a key opportunity for industry members interested in shaping the future of education to collaborate with European Schoolnet through Scientix.

Membership in the Scientix STEM Alliance means more than alignment with the overarching goal of advancing STEM education; it represents a strategic entry point for industry partners into the largest science education community in Europe. This affiliation empowers industry partners to actively influence the educational landscapes, engage with educators, and contribute to innovative teaching practices. Moreover, it facilitates valuable networking opportunities with Ministries of Education, policymakers, and other key players. This collaborative effort ensures a holistic approach to shape the future of STEM education and promoting the attractiveness and importance of STEM careers.


Our partners

From start-ups to multinationals, the Scientix STEM Alliance represents a diverse range of organisations across the globe.

Get to know our members

What we do

The Scientix STEM Alliance provides an extensive outreach structure for major companies, Ministries of Education and other educational stakeholders, which understood the need for action. Through both concerted and individual activities, the STEM Alliance and its members join forces to:

  • Promote the attractiveness and importance of STEM jobs in all industrial sectors
  • Foster innovation in STEM teaching at all levels of education
  • Support the competitiveness of companies by ensuring a STEM-skilled workforce
  • Enhance and harmonise industry-education initiatives at national, European and global level
  • Encourage diversity and inclusiveness in STEM careers
  • Build knowledge on STEM education and careers by providing advocacy to industry players and policymakers
  • Contextualise STEM teaching by giving real-life examples of STEM careers to students
In 2023, the Scientix STEM Alliance, working closely with its partners, led impactful initiatives within two major international campaigns—the STEM Discovery Campaign and Back to School. These campaigns engaged hundreds of thousands of students and educators, offering industry partners a valuable platform to showcase technologies, educational resources, and expertise. These activities became more than events—they were threads that wove connections between industry partners and the educational world Discover more about Scientix STEM Alliance work in our 2023 Annual Report.


Professional Development for Teachers

The Scientix STEM Alliance provides continuous professional development to over 30,000 teachers and educators every year, reaching indirectly more than 400,000 students. Our activities include:

  • Webinars: covering topics ranging from teaching guides to emerging methodologies – with each presentation delivered by industry experts and including real-world career experience;
  • Online events, in collaboration with the SEER, that bring together industry, educators, and Ministries of Education to share best practice and discuss new innovations in STEM teaching;
  • Online Courses designed to equip educators with the tools and materials required to integrate STEM resources in their classes;
  • The Scientix Ambassadors Network, a community of 1300+ teachers from 51 countries;
  • Scientix TV is a fun and informative way to stay up to date with EU-funded STEM projects and industry initiatives, explore innovative STEM resources and even discover experiments that teachers can perform in class with their students.



Get involved

The Scientix STEM Alliance partners are connected to an unrivalled network of industry, educators, and Ministries of Education across Europe. It provides an ideal way to boost your profile, showcase your commitment to STEM education, and drive strategic policy at a pan-European level.

Being a part of the Scientix STEM Alliance isn't just participation; it's a strategic elevation for our partners. By enjoying widespread visibility, Scientix STEM Alliance partners are positioned as cutting-edge players in STEM education. This exposure not only amplifies their initiatives but also shows how Scientix STEM Alliance industry partners are pioneers in shaping the future of STEM learning.

Learn more on how to partner with the Scientix STEM Alliance here


Luigi Prisco ( Industry Partnership Coordinator

Agueda Gras-Velazquez ( Science Programme Manager at EUN

Learn more

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