The project

Coordinated by European Schoolnet, with the active support of the Future Classroom Lab (FCL) and Scientix, in close collaboration with the Network of FCL Lead Ambassadors, the MatataStudio VinciBot pilot project aims to introduce children of later primary and early secondary school to programming and fundamental artificial intelligence (AI) through task-based technology activity and project-based technology activity.

The project fosters a hands-on learning approach, nurturing imagination and promoting digital literacy, all while cultivating computational, design, and engineering thinking and problem-solving abilities! The educational value of MatataStudio is based on the principle of The Four Cs of 21st Century Learning: Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, and Creativity.


The programme

The programme aims to ensure that teachers, and ultimately students, are equipped with the necessary skills to thrive personally and professionally in the 21st century. To achieve this, European Schoolnet and MatataStudio, in collaboration with the network of FCL Lead Ambassadors, will be using MatataStudio programming learning tools and the VinciBot robot in 4 different countries, engaging students and teachers.

The 4 following countries have been selected to test this project: France, Israel, Spain and Finland.

The action plan will run for 9 months, where the pilot teachers will participate in a workshop led by FCL Lead Ambassadors on the use of the solutions involved. After, pilot teachers will be invited to test the MatataStudio VinciBots sets within schools for over a period of 4-6 weeks.

In a nutshell, this initiative involves FCL Lead Ambassadors and teachers in a comprehensive program aimed at enhancing STEM education. European Schoolnet, MatataStudio, and all participants are fully committed to advancing innovation in education and building a strong network of stakeholders passionate about STEM education's growth.

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Final Report

Please find the final report of the project pilot here.


Matatalab Cover Report