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Norwegian Centre for ICT in Education

Today’s education should contribute to learning at all levels while ensuring the future skills that Norway needs. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) are important tools, not only for increasing quality, innovation and creativity, but also for efficiency and simplification of processes and services. Consequently, digital skills are among the five basic skills taught in Norwegian schools. This also sets requirements for kindergartens and teacher-training programmes.

The Norwegian Centre for ICT in Education work for smarter learning and higher quality throughout the education system by offering a variety of services for ICT in education - from kindergarten to teacher training.

The main objective of the centre’s work is the use of ICT for

  • improving the quality of education and
  • improving learning outcomes and learning strategies for children in kindergarten, pupils in schools and apprentices in primary and secondary education as well as students in teacher-training programmes.

The Norwegian Centre for ICT in Education falls under the authority of the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research. Our mission is to implement government policy within our area of responsibility using the resources made available to us.