Scientix interview series
The Scientix interview series aims to present different stakeholders in STEM policy and practice. The line-up includes researchers, teachers, education managers and science communicators who will share their views on the challenges and opportunities in STEM teaching and learning.
#23 Testimonials from national policymakers
This short video compiles several testimonials from National Contact Points and from the representatives of the Ministries of Education STEM Working Group on how Scientix has reached out to teacher communities and contributed to the development of national strategies for wider uptake of inquiry- based and other innovative, effective and engaging approaches to STEM education.
#22 Rory McGann, Lecturer in ICT/Digital Learning, Ireland
Mr Rory McGann, Lecturer in ICT/Digital Learning, Ireland, talks about the ongoing issues and future of initial teacher education in relation to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines, as part of this Scientix interview, recorded at the Scientix Conference in Brussels, Belgium, 4-6 May 2018.
#21 Kavita Sanghvi, Physics Teacher and a Scientix Ambassador, India
Ms Kavita Sanghvi, Physics Teacher and a Scientix Ambassador, India, was introduced to inquiry-based teaching during a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) and took these teaching practices directly on-board and applied them in her lessons in India. In this Scientix interview, recorded at the Scientix Conference in Brussels, Belgium, 4-6 May 2018, she shares this story with us.
#20 Evarist Bartolo, Minister of Education and Employment, Malta
Mr Evarist Bartolo, Minister of Education and Employment, Malta, speaks about current practice in education and the need for inquiry-based science education, in this Scientix interview, recorded at the Scientix Conference in Brussels, Belgium, 4-6 May 2018.
#19 Dr Beth Healey, Medical expert, United Kingdom
Dr Beth Healey, Medical expert on space and extreme environments, United Kingdom, speaks about teachers who inspired her when she was young and got her interested in science, which led her to her current career. Dr Healey tells us more about this in this Scientix interview, recorded at the Scientix Conference in Brussels, Belgium, 4-6 May 2018.
#18 Svein Sjøberg, Professor in Science Education, Norway
Svein Sjøberg, Professor in Science Education, Norway, addresses the concept of inquiry-based learning in this Scientix interview, recorded at the Scientix Conference in Brussels, Belgium, 4-6 May 2018.
#17 François Taddei, Director, Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaire (CRI), France
Dr François Taddei, Director, Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaire (CRI) in France, addressed guests, during the opening ceremony of the 3rd Scientix Conference on 4 May 2018.
#16 Věra Krajčová, STEM Teacher, Czech Republic
Věra Krajčová, STEM Teacher, Czech Republic, speaks about her favourite moments from her involvement in the Scientix project, and the possibilities of online training activities for teachers.
#15 José Soares, STEM Teacher in Portugal
José Soares, STEM Teacher, Portugal, says that Scientix has an important role to play in Portugal, because it introduces teachers to new ideas, resources and teaching and learning methods in science education. There is a need for disseminating Scientix further to local schools.
#14 Fatiha Baki, STEM Teacher in Belgium
Fatiha Baki, STEM Teacher, Belgium, says Scientix helps teachers to find windows of opportunites to develop their own personal teaching skills and to find new resources to get new ideas for their teaching and day-to-day life. She thinks there is a need for Scientix in Belgium, to connect teachers to educational practices in Europe.
#13 Elaine Muscat, Mathematics Teacher in Malta
Elaine Muscat, a teacher of mathematics, Malta, says that Scientix helped her to believe in her role as a science educator. For Maltese teachers, Scientix facilitates collaboration, networking and the sharing of resources with teachers across Europe.
#12 Dobromiła Szczepaniak, Physics Teacher in Poland
Dobromiła Szczepaniak, a Physics Teacher in Poland, believes she has the world's best job! She loves to be a teacher and thinks that the Scientix network has opened her eyes to new methods and practices in the teaching profession, like she explains in this Scientix interview.
#11 Richard Walden, Scientix Deputy Ambassador United Kingdom
Dr. Richard Walden, is a Scientix Deputy Ambassador in the United Kingdom and a science teacher. In this Scientix interview, recorded at the Eminent conference of European Schoolnet in November 2015, Mr. Walden talks about teacher collaboration and how arts can be included in science education.
#10 Albert Forn, GSMA
Albert Forn, from the GSMA assocation of mobile network operators, talks about the industry's role in supporting science education in this Scientix interview. This interview was recorded at the Eminent conference of European Schoolnet in November 2015.
#9 Karin Bårman, Swedish National Agency for Education
What can educators do to motivate students about science? Karin Bårman, at the Swedish National Agency for Education, explains what Sweden has learned in this Scientix interview, recorded at the Eminent conference of European Schoolnet in November 2015.
#8 Yves Beernaert, Member of the European Commission’s Expert Group on Science Education
Yves Beernaert, Member of the European Commission’s Expert Group on Science Education, talks about systemic changes that are needed in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) education in Europe, including cooperation with various stakeholders. This Scientix interview is recorded at the Eminent conference of European Schoolnet in November 2015.
#7 Katja Maaß, Professor at the University of Education in Freiburg, Germany
Dr. Katja Maaß, Professor at the University of Education in Freiburg, Germany, speaks about ways to support innovative teaching in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) education, as well as the possible benefits of collaboration among teachers and schools. This Scientix interview was recorded at the Eminent 2015 conference of European Schoolnet in November 2015.
#6 Tiina Kahara, Scientix Deputy Ambassador, Finland
This is the final episode in the Scientix interview series on the future of STEM (science, technology, engineering & mathematics). Tiina Kahara, Scientix Deputy Ambassador in Finland, discusses the role of teachers in STEM, role models, and her vision of the classroom:
#5 Stany Abraham, Scientix Deputy Ambassador, France
Stany Abraham, Scientix Deputy Ambassador in France, discusses the inclusion of science in class subjects, the need for critical thinking, and his vision of the classroom. This is the fifth episode in a series of interviews on the future of STEM (science, technology, engineering & mathematics):
#4 Jenny Sendova, National Contact Point, Bulgaria
Jenny Sendova, at the National Contact Point for STEM education in Bulgaria, discusses the reputation of STEM careers, the power of asking questions, and the purpose of the Scientix community. This is the fourth episode of a series of interviews on the future of STEM (science, technology, engineering & mathematics):
#3 Derek Bosiljko, Scientix Ambassador, Croatia
Presenting the third episode in the Scientix interview series on the future of STEM (science, technology, engineering & mathematics), Derek Bosiljko, Scientix Ambassador in Croatia, discusses the flexibility of teachers, the Scientix translation on demand service, and his vision of the classroom:
#2 Amber Gell, Lockheed-Martin
Amber Gell, a Spacecraft System Engineer at Lockheed-Martin and NASA, talks about the role of teachers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, female role models, and her vision of the classroom:
#1 Ewald Breunesse, Shell Nederland
Ewald Breunesse of Shell Nederland discusses the role that industry has to play in the promotion of STEM across Europe, and explains how industry can support STEM teachers: