Fourth Scientix International Conference


 4th Scientix International Conference


The following digital posters were presented during the conference:

  1. Adriana Silvica Lefter: “EcosiSTEM Class”
  2. Aleksandra Filipović: “Creative STEAM graphics”
  3. Alexia Alexandrou: “Water is everywhere, but there is not a drop for us to drink”
  4. Alice Severi: “Liquid crystal”
  5. Angela Colli: “The 21st century Magic Circle: Circular Economy”
  6. Anita Belančić: “The Vitruvian Man -Anthropometric data analysis STE(A)M activity”
  7. Annamaria Lisotti: “BRAIINS project and the Teachers International Summer School 2023”
  8. Antonio Joao Lopes: “Robot Mission: Protecting Marine Wildlife From OP2 (Ocean Plastic Pollution)”
  9. Ariana-Stanca Vacaretu: “Mathematics for Sustainable Development”
  10. Aslihan Dikmen: “Teaching the concept of biodiversity with Web 2.0 tools”
  11. Bárbara De Aymerich Vadillo: “Up, microbes on the fly: a high-flying STEM experience”
  12. Bojana Mitriceski Andelkovic: “Climate Change - Carbon of our planet”
  13. Carmen Bucovala: “Underwater archaeology and STEAM”
  14. Christofer Guers-Le Guen: “The deeper awareness to the local biodiversity by the new generations is a better way to protect it”
  15. Cornelia Bataus: “The Creative Researcher Steam”
  16. Costantina Cossu: “Music and STEAM is not magic… it’s part of real life”
  17. Daniel Aguirre Molina: “ATELIER FOR STE(A)M”
  18. Dario Gelo: “Electric circuits on different supports”
  19. Dorina Marin: “Literacy is STEM-tastic!”
  20. Eirini Siotou: “e-STREAM for environmental crisis”
  21. Eleni Katsiavou: “STE(A)M in the 9th Kindergarten of Tripoli, Greece”
  22. Elisa Saraiva: “Dinamics and cinergies generated trough “Ciência Viva@School” - STEM Clubs”
  23. Emma Abbate: “The ECVAM Virtual Lab and Pollinator Park: two immersive EU environments for implementing the 3 Rs Framework and sustainability in the classroom”
  24. Erviola Konomi: “Say Yes to STEM and save the environment!”
  25. Eva María Gomis Gil: “Emerging technologies in the 21st century classrooms”
  27. Francesca Colzi: “Let's make an atom”
  28. Francesco Damiani, Daniela Troia: “STEM@SCHOOL”
  29. Gabriel Pinto: “Contextualized experiments and cases related to real‐life to investigate STEM topics”
  30. Gabriel Alexandru: “The mysterious force in the universe”
  31. Gjorgjina Dimova: “The road of a plastic bottle”
  32. Gregory Makrides: “STEAME STUDENTS”
  33. Guler Bayramova: “STEM in primary school”
  35. Hatice Kirmaci: “ARSTEAMappp”
  36. Hüseyin Gürel: “Integration of Educational Robotics to Scientific Learning Teaching Process”
  37. Igor Dobrača: “The Robot Race of the Ring as part of extracurricular activity”
  38. Iohana Cristina Udrescu: “M@THGAN- Effective Ways of Teaching Mathematics through Technology, Game, Art and Nature”
  39. Irma Hoxha: “Game based learning, lifetime learning? Yes, please!”
  40. Iro Koliakou: “MiniOpenLab – Open community and Hands-on approach to Sustainable Development and STEM Education”
  41. Iro Koliakou: “Green Education for a Sustainable future”
  42. Isabel Allen: “Development of projects, in sustainability, in 12th grade Chemistry and Biology classes”
  43. Ivana Zubakčižmek: “Biodiversity Lessons for Kids”
  44. Ivo Jokin: “Space Art - Municipal center for extracurricular activities, Bulgaria”
  45. Izaskun Jorajuria: “Elizondo Rotation Station Model for STEM education in Secondary Education”
  46. Javier Redondas: “Candasat: a space mission in a secondary school”
  47. José Fradique: “CurtAlgas - A BioEconomy Project”
  49. Jose Manuel Viñas Diéguez: “A digital guide to carrying out a citizen science project at school”
  50. Juan Diego López Giraldo: “TEACHING GREEN - From Climate Change Education and Awareness to Citizen Science Action”
  51. Kavita Sanghvi: “Gamification in STEM”
  52. Kseniia Minakova: “Creating STEM equipment: Science Tech Weekend School - Welcome to Photovoltaic Universe!”
  53. Lidia Ristea: “Augmented: reality in the classroom”
  54. Lina Cannone: “Biotinkering experiments”
  55. Mªantonia Mateoscamacho: “Estudio estadístico del CO2 en el aula”
  56. Margherita Maria Sacco: “Think in Coding: Fun with STEM”
  57. Maria Zambrotta: “STEM entrepreneurship workshops: School and Industry”
  58. Maria Topoliati: “Exploitation of STEM Education and Robotics in the Sustainable Kindergarten”
  59. Maria Barouta: “Space Science through STEAM: A training guide for primary school teachers inspired by the American Education System”
  60. Maria Eleftheriou: “Connect Open project: students choose what they want to study”
  61. Maria Tsapara, Angeliki Liapi, Anthi Arkouli: “Food Defenders: Make the Waste to Worth the Taste”
  62. Marina Minoli: “Interdisciplinary Botanics Education in engaging innovative distance teaching and learning”
  63. Mario De Mauro: “Teachers training and collegial planning to reduce the implementation time lag”
  64. Mario Di Fonza: “AstroSchool”
  65. Marta Azevedo: “Prickly Water Purification Project”
  66. Medea Abramishvili: “Promotion of STEM education through STEM clubs in Georgia”
  67. Mehmet Yıldız: “A Smart School Systems: A School Community Project”
  68. Melita Sambolek: “I watch, research and learn”
  69. Merve Özcan: “Little STEMists”
  70. Michelina Occhioni: “Sustainability in virtual worlds during Covid 19 pandemic”
  71. Milijana Petrović: “Characteristics of the information society”
  72. Monica Bailot: “Central tendency statistics in a fairy tale for primary schools”
  73. Monica Boccoli: “GBL: some good reasons to use MinecraftEE at school”
  74. Nadia Gambon: “Biodiversity in the city: protection of pollinators”
  75. Nataliia Grushko: “Light Up Your STEM Star”
  76. Ozgu Ozturk: “STEM for ALL”
  77. Özgür Özdemir: “Cryptomath: ready to solve cypher!”
  78. Özlem Senan: “Life Away”
  79. Paola Mattioli: “Playing with #sixbricks to engage students”
  80. Peter Kane: “National Space Observatory”
  81. Riccardo Bonomi: “Chemistry with LEGO® bricks”
  82. Robbe Wulgaert: “AI and Latin - Bring Tacitus to life!”
  83. Rosanna Busiello: “Climate change and rainfall”
  84. Sabrina Nappi: “The numbers speak for themselves”
  85. Samuel Branco: “Solving problems caused by the pandemic with robotics”
  86. Sarah Carroll: “Widening Participation in Science: Development of a Science Club format for Youth Groups”
  87. Selin Sarıça: “Say Stop the Light Pollution”
  88. Silvana Jakimovska Binova: “Contextualization of math teaching through Eurostat resources”
  89. Silvia Da Valle: “Statistics and probability in fairy tales”
  90. Slađana Cvitičanin: “Mini Biological Conference-project for Junior and Senior Biologists (example from practice)”
  91. Soleiman Rasouli: “The application of STEAM for teaching optics topic in innovative methods”
  92. Stefania Bertone: “MISS-EOL”
  93. Stefanie Schlunk: “Science on Stage: Act Now for the Sustainable Development Goals”
  94. Stella Magid-Podolsky: “Hour of Code for everyone at Inclusive secondary school”
  95. Teresita Gravina: “Digitalize your STEM lesson!”
  96. Tsetsa Hristova: “Renewable energy sources and energy efficiency in education through European projects and Scientix project”
  97. Valbona Shkëmbi Qafa: “From STEM to STEAM”
  98. Zeynep Erciyas Toz: “GALAXY PROTECTORS”