Promoting science education for all through STE(A)M Learning Ecologies 


The STE(A)M Learning Ecologies project (SLEs) aims at promoting science education as part of local community development, through the creation of open schooling partnerships between formal, non-formal and informal education providers, civil society and enterprises. By working together on real-life problem-solving situations within local communities, these partnerships provide multiple science learning opportunities for citizens of all ages, in all manner of learning spaces. 

The project adopts a distinct approach by moving away from conventional open schooling methods that consider specific stakeholders as mere extensions of the school environment. Instead, it defines SLEs as rich learning environments where education is transgenerational, inclusive, and contextualized. As a result, the SLEs will identify and promote the necessary conditions for bringing together all, rather than some, of the actors and giving all of them the space and motivation to take initiative and central roles. 

To develop the SLEs methodology, the project will combine research with on the ground implementation. Multi-stakeholder open schooling partnerships from at least 15 countries will co-design, develop and implement local STE(A)M Learning Ecologies (SLEs) resulting in interconnected knowledge ecosystems. These SLEs will involve more than 2000 learners from different educational levels, civil society and enterprises. 

The project will validate and refine a first version of an SLEs methodology via two piloting cycles that will lead to a final SLEs methodology, to be published in 2025. This comprehensive document will provide invaluable insights and direction for stakeholders across diverse domains, facilitating a seamless and effective SLEs journey.  

As practitioners also need the support and optimal conditions to experiment and streamline innovative pedagogies, SLEs will also organize several policy events involving key STEM education stakeholders. During those events, the project will present project policy briefs and final recommendations, aiming to create the adequate conditions for the growth of STE(A)M Learning Ecologies in Europe and beyond. 

For more information about SLEs visit the website and please contact​​​​​​​


Latest news


Insights from the SLEs Second reflection workshop  
Insights from the SLEs Second reflection workshop

On Wednesday 20th of March, the SLEs project organized its second reflection workshop. The event was an opportunity to bring together all the actors engaged in the piloting of a STE(A)M Learning Ecology (National Coordinators, initiators and stakeholders), to exchange experiences and good practices, discuss about challenges and plan for the upcoming scale-up phase. Read more


Future Classroom Lab Workshop  
Teachers Learned About- and Designed Their own SLEs during a Future Classroom Lab Workshop!

On the 19th of March, 23 teachers motivated to improve their teaching practices attended a workshop organized by the SLEs team. The event was part of a week-long course organised by European Schoolnet and held at the Future Classroom Lab (FCL) in Brussels. Read more


Join the community  
Join the STE(A)M Learning Ecologies International Community

If you are interested in the open schooling and STE(A)M education revolution, join the international community! You will receive updates on the latest project activities and results, participate in workshops and events on the topic, and become part of an engaged network of open schooling and science education enthusiasts from all over Europe. Read more


Policy Dialogue Event  
Policy Dialogue Event

The event is organised by APRE – Italian Agency for the Promotion of European Research with the support of European Schoolnet under the Horizon Europe funded project STE(A)M Learning Ecologies (SLEs). The event will take place at the European Parliament in Brussels on Wednesday 24th January 2024 from 10:00 to 12:00 CET. Read more.


The First Year of the Project – Laying the Foundation

The STE(A)M Learning Ecologies (SLEs) project, since its launch in January 2023, has made great strides in bringing open schooling to various audiences. The project is currently  implementing learning ecologies in numerous countries across Europe during its pilot cycle. Read more




During the course of the project, the SLEs will produce several documents, reports, policy briefs and pedagogical resources that will help Education actors and stakeholders learn about the project, explore the STE(A)M Learning Ecology conceptual and practical Framework and understand the open schooling in science education landscape in Europe. 

Discover the publications





The project is coordinated by European Schoolnet, with the collaboration of these partners (click on the logo to visit the partner's website).