4th Scientix Conference: 18-19 Nov. 2022
Programme Slide shows Posters Publication
Keynote videos Session videos Roundtable videos Project videos
The 4th Scientix International Conference took place online on 18 and 19 November 2022. The conference provided an overview of the challenges and opportunities in science education in Europe and highlighted the potential and possibilities that the Scientix community can bring about. It also presented multiple opportunities to learn more about different STEM education projects in Europe, deepening connections, generating new ideas and inspiring science educators to foster creativity and enthusiasm for STEM education and share their expertise, knowledge, and best practices.
Around 1.200 teachers, educators, policymakers, science education researchers, STEM professionals, industry representatives, and project managers attended the conference, which featured 32 parallel talks on several STEM topics, 15 STEM projects presented in plenary sessions, eight hands-on workshops, two roundtable discussions focusing on EdTech transforming education and STE(A)M, respectively, and several keynote speeches.
Speakers included Niki Kerameus, minister of education and religious affairs, Greece; Ariadna Farres Basiana, astrodynamics specialists, NASA; Laura Quintana, vice president & general manager, cisco networking academy; Andreas Schleicher, director for education and skills, OECD; Anna Horváth, analyst, European education and culture executive agency (EACEA), European Commission; Joseph Roche, director of research school of education, Trinity College Dublin; Jeremy Rollison, senior director, European government affairs, Microsoft; Michal Uhl, Director of the Czech National Agency for international education and research; and Jan de Craemer, chair, European Schoolnet.
Click the corresponding buttons above to access the conference program, watch videos of the presentations, workshops, discussions, etc., or download the slide shows and posters presented at the conference.
3rd Scientix Conference: 4-6 May 2018
General Programme Publication Interviews Presentations
The 3rd Scientix Conference took place in Brussels, Belgium, from 4 to 6 May 2018.
352 teachers, policymakers, researchers and project managers participated in the conference, making it one of the major networking events in Europe in 2018.
This 3rd Scientix Conference was a unique opportunity to learn more about different science education projects in Europe and to get to know the people behind these projects. This conference provided an excellent overview of the current state of affairs in science education in Europe and the possibilities and opportunities of the Scientix community.
See the official programme for the conference here and/or download the conference publication from October 2018 here.
Keynote speakers at this conference included Svein Sjøberg, Professor in science education at Oslo University, Norway, and Beth Healey, Doctor expert in space and extreme environments, International Space University, London, UK - Former ESA MD Spaceflight Analogue Concordia. The conference also welcomed Jean-David Malo, European Commission, Director - Directorate B - Open Innovation and Open Science, DG Research and Innovation, and Evarist Bartolo, Minister for Education and Employment, Malta, MT. Read more about the conference keynote speakers here.
2nd Scientix Conference: 24-26 Oct. 2014
Programme Presentations Keynotes Posters Photos
The 2nd Scientix Conference took place on 24 – 26 October 2014 in Brussels, Belgium.
The programme featured 70 talks, 14 workshops, 7 round-tables, 25 exhibition stands.
The highlights were the three keynotes: Prof. José Mariano Gago, former Minister of Science, Technology, Information Society and Higher Education in Portugal, Ewald Breunesse, Manager Energy Transitions at Shell Netherlands, and Amber Gell, rocket scientist and spacecraft system engineer at Lockheed Martin and NASA.
The presentations and discussions at the conference were summarised by Marc Durando, Executive Director of European Schoolnet, who stressed the role of teachers in bringing about change in STEM education.
The conference also saw the launch of the Scientix publication, the Scientix video, and the Scientix Resource awards.
1st Scientix conference: 6-8 May 2011
The 1st Scientix Conference took place on 6-8 May 2011 in Brussels, Belgium and attracted almost 400 participants from over 40 countries in Europe and beyond.
The programme, the conference proceedings and other information.
Scientix National Conferences
(The content below is currently being updated.)
From 2013 to 2015, there were 29 Scientix National Conferences organised in collaboration with the Scientix National Contact Points. Those events were aimed at STEM teacher community in their respective countries. They usually lasted two days, and attracted around 100 teachers and other professionals in STEM education.
The goal of the conference is to present innovative STEM teaching methods and introduce the participants to national and European collaboration in science education policy and practice.
List of Scientix National Conferences.
Check regularly the Scientix events calendar for future Scientix National Conferences.