Third Scientix Conference
Time | Type | Room: Ballroom |
15:00-17:00 | Registration | |
17:00-18:00 | Conference opening | Marc Durando, Executive Director, European Schoolnet, BE Jean-David Malo, European Commission, Director - Directorate B - Open Innovation and Open Science, DG Research and Innovation François Taddei, Director, Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaire (CRI), FR (video address) Carlos Cunha, Escola Secundária Dom Manuel Martins, PT and Svetla Mavrodieva, Centre for Innovation in Education, BG, Scientix Ambassadors |
18:00-19:30 | Posters and exhibitions session | |
19:30-21:00 | Networking Reception: STEM Education everywhere in Europe (Ballroom) |
Time | Type | Room: Ballroom | ||
08:30 – 09:00 | Registration | |||
09:00 – 09:10 | Plenary session 1 | Dr Àgueda Gras-Velázquez, Scientix Project Manager, Science Programme Manager at European Schoolnet, BE “Scientix until now” |
09:15 – 09:50 (30’+5’) |
Keynote speech: Svein Sjøberg, professor in science education at Oslo University, NO “The importance of Inquiry-Based Science Education: nurturing motivation, joy and interest in science – or improving standardized test scores?” |
09:55 – 10:30 (30’+5’) |
Keynote speech: Beth Healey, Doctor expert in space and extreme environments, International Space University, London, UK “WhiteSpace” |
10:30 – 11:00 | Coffee Break / Posters and exhibitions session | |||
11:00 – 12:30 | Plenary session 2 | EU projects for teachers: 3’ presentation of stands from 20 STEM projects. Moderated by Karen Slavin, European Commission | ||
1. Connecting science with the daily life via hands-on activities 2. Bringing the InSight mission into the classroom 3. “Codex on the Flight of Birds” of Leonardo da Vinci 4. STEM FOR ALL 5. MaST Networking 6. Les Saventuriers 7. I&R European Industrial Technology and Robotics Stands in Room Harmony |
8. Science on Stage Europe 9. SCORE 10. eHAND 11. eCraft2Learn 12. STEM Alliance 13. Edu-Arctic and ERIS 14. Universe in the Classroom Stands in Room Creativity - Exploration |
15. STEM4YOUTH 16. ER4STEM 17. OSOS 18. eTwinning and School Education Gateway 19. Scientix 20. The European Commission Stands in Room Evasion |
12:30 – 13:45 | Lunch / Posters and exhibitions session |
13:45 – 15:15 | Parallel sessions I: 13:45 – 15:15 (90’) // Each talk: 15’+5’(Q&A) // 20’ x 4 = 80’ | |||||
Room | Ballroom I | Ballroom II | Vision | Clarity | Serinity | Infinity |
13:45 | 1. Research into the classroom | 2. Curriculum imple-mentation | 3. Tools and schools | 4. Mobile learning and technologies | 13:45 – 14:25 (40’) | |
13:50 | 1.1 Enriching STEM education projects by adding a citizen science dimension (ROEDUSEIS, MOBE and SERA) (T42) | 2.1 Online training for innovative STEM teaching (T10) | 3.1 Introducing Coding in Primary Education: Methodology and Tools (T47) | 4.1 The PDF (Pensar Digital E Fazer) Project. A proof of concept in progress (T16) |
Workshop A.I R2T2 – A colla-borative Mars mission using the Thymio educational robot (WS13) |
Workshop B.I Codinc, peer to peer coding for inclusion (WS02) |
14:11 | 1.2 Do you speak science? How researchers and pupils can learn from each other about science (T17) | 2.2 Informatics in primary education and integral science education in lower secondary education: the Lithuanian experience (T49) | 3.2 Enhancing students’ motivation to learn STEM: educational technology (T23) | 4.2 Digital Earth: GI Learner creating a learning line for GI Science in education (T19) | ||
14:32 | 1.3 Mediatheque of the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings (T20) | 2.3 Teacher professional learning model for disseminating innovative practice (T08) | 3.3 Working towards a gender inclusive STEM education in Europe (T11) | 4.3 D3Mobile Metrology World League (T24) | 14:35 – 15:15 (40’) | |
14:53 | 1.4 From MatLan to M&L – exploring new horizons (T48) | 2.4 Applying mathematics to electrical engineering subjects (T40) | 3.4 Dr. Scratch: Assessing Scratch projects for Computational Thinking skills (T51) | 4.4 Motivating youth towards STEM education and careers through the UMI technologies (T54) |
Workshop A.II Developing Students 21st Century Skills with Go-Lab (WS03) |
Workshop B.II STEM in the classroom: How DIY water quality sensors bring science to our students (WS10) |
15:15 | Coffee Break / Posters and exhibitions session | |||||
15:45 – 17:15 | Parallel sessions II: 15:45 – 17:15 (90’) // Each talk: 15’+5’(Q&A) // 20’ x 4 = 80’ | |||||
Room | Ballroom I | Ballroom II | Vision | Clarity | Serinity | Infinity |
15:45 | 5. Contextual-isation of STEM teaching | .6. Gaming, robotics and computational thinking | .7. Nano, bio and more | 8. School projects | 15:45 – 16:25 (40’) | |
15:50 | 5.1 “STEM in aquaculture immersion” – To enthuse today’s youth and foster tomorrow’s workforce (T21) | 6.1 Computational Thinking in Primary Schools – Pilot project on successfully combining teacher training and innovation in the classroom (T07) | 7.1 Research- School Collaboration: involving pupils in the development of a toolkit to increase their understanding of protein chemistry (T02) | 8.1 STIMEY – A Generic Multi-channel Hybrid e- Learning Platform for STEM-Education (T30) |
Workshop C.I Drones at School (WS04) |
Workshop D.I. Learning Science Though Theatre: hands on! (WS08) |
16:11 | 5.2 Surprising and simple devices to study forces and their laws (T15) | 6.2 O Robot Ajuda! (The Robot Helps!) (T46) | 7.2 World Biotech Tour: teaching biotechnology (T06) | 8.2 Walking through the nature (T03) | ||
16:32 | 5.3 Lifting the Classroom into Space – Pupils observe the Earth by analysing remote sensing data (T29) | 6.3 Unplugged activities for coding and algorithmic thinking (T36) | 7.3 Nano-Inventum: Introducing Nano-technology in primary school (T18) | 8.3 Happy Channel presents Space News by Space Scoop (T33) | 16:35 – 17:15 (40’) | |
16:53 | 5.4 Connecting STEM to Industry through Industry expert – teacher mentorship (T38) | 6.4 Educational Math Games for Two Players (T53) | 7.4 Escape rooms in the service of science (T56) | 8.4 Taking science classes across borders (T37) |
Workshop C.II First Steps in Scratch (WS01) |
Workshop D.II Society/ Board games in learning STEM subjects (WS11) |
17:15 – 19:00 | Posters and exhibitions session | |||||
19:00 – 20:00 | Free time (walk around Brussels recommended) | |||||
20:00 – 22:00 | Networking dinner: Strengthening the community for science education in Europe (Ballroom) |
09:00 – 10:30 | Parallel sessions III: 9:00 – 10:30 (90’) // Each talk: 15’+5’(Q&A) // 20’ x 4 = 80’ | |||||
Room | Ballroom I | Ballroom II | Vision | Clarity | Serinity | Infinity |
09:00 | 9. Earth and the environ-ment | 10. IBSE | 11. Strengt-hening teacher & school competences | 12. Science and inclusion | 15:45 – 16:25 (40’) | |
09:05 | 9.1 Marine Litter Solutions Through Learning by Doing (T26) | 10.1 Examining the added value of computer- supported inquiry learning with embedded virtual experimentation on students’ attitudes and motivation on STEM education (T27) | 11.1 Data-driven STEM teaching: The presentation of the JOBSTEM research project experiences (T12) | 12.1 Effects of problem-solving and epistemology beliefs on academic perfor-mance. Differences according to academic level and gender (T01) |
Workshop E.I ORT Makers: Doping STEM with the Makers’ spirit and practice (WS12) |
Workshop F.I Aura-virtual reality (WS05) |
09:26 | 9.2 Preparing the World for Tomorrow (T55) | 10.2 Novel ways to promote Math, Science and Technology education through international StarT (T31) | 11.2 Academi@STEM of Mangualde (T09) | 12.2 Science for ALL children: giving new oppor-tunities to the less privileged (T05) | ||
09:47 | 9.3 Extending NetLogo "climate change" model (T25) | 10.3 ICSE International Centre for STEM Education (ICSE, Freiburg, Germany) (T45) | 11.3 Changing Places and Changing Teaching in STEM Education (T35) | 12.3 Supporting and Teaching Visually Impaired Pupils (VIPs) (T34) | 09:50 – 10:30 (40’) | |
10:08 | 9.4 SOS Pollinators (T52) | 10.4 The "Science, Technology, Society" course for high school students in Estonia (T44) | 11.4 Make Tomorrow – Turkey Programme (T14) | 12.4 The TEC model for Teacher Training and Social Inclusion (T22) |
Workshop E.II Light-interact-ing materials: Science meets Beauty ( WS09) |
Workshop F.II Secret of the mobile phone (WS07) |
10:30 | Coffee Break / Posters and exhibitions session | |||||
11:00 – 12:30 | Parallel sessions IV: 11:00 – 12:30 (90’) // Each talk: 15’+5’(Q&A) // 20’ x 2 = 40’ | |||||
Room | Ballroom I | Ballroom II | Vision | Clarity | Serinity | Infinity |
11:00 | 13. Support-ing gifted students | 14. Out of school learning | 15. STEM + Arts | 16. Remote and digital | 11:00 – 11:40 (40’) | |
11:05 | 13.1 STEM-patic! (Budi STEM-patičan!): the project of iden-tification, guidance and teaching of STEM gifted students (T13) | 14.1 The Formula 1 competition in Junior High School (T04) | 15.1 Particle Physics and Creativity in Primary Education (T28) | 16.1 The use of immersive Virtual reality in the Mathematics classroom (T32) |
Workshop G.I Mobile phone for lessons (WS14) |
Workshop H.I Astro party (WS06) |
11:26 | 13.2 Launching a gifted children programme (T43) | 14.2 The Open Science Internships (T41) | 15.2 Learning Science Through Theatre (T39) | 16.2 Simplifying the use of IoT for STEM primary education (T50) | ||
11:46 | Change of rooms | |||||
11:50 – 12:30 (40’) | Round Table (RT1) Initial Teacher Training |
Round Table (RT2) The limited information on STEM careers |
Round Table (RT3) How to make research results more accessible to teachers |
Round Table (RT4) The importance of supporting primary schools with the teaching of STEM |
Round Table (RT5) Getting leading schools from different countries to work together and share expertise |
Round Table (RT6) STEM education practices: transfer-ring between National and European level |
12:30 – 13:45 | Lunch / Posters and exhibitions session | |||||
13:45 – 14:30 | Conference Closing | Poster competition awards and Scientix conference Twitter awards | ||||
14:30 – 14:45 | Ana Arana Antelo, DG Research & Innovation of the European Commission | |||||
14:45 – 15:15 | Evarist Bartolo, Minister for Education and Employment, Malta | |||||
15:15 – 15:30 | Dr Àgueda Gras-Velázquez, Scientix Project Manager, Science Programme Manager at European Schoolnet |
Click on one of the dates to see the conference schedule for that day. You can also download a PDF version of the conference programme.
Download a short version of the conference programme here.
Download the complete version of the conference programme, with abstracts included, here.