Parallel sessions IV

19. Competence learning and motivation

19.1 A crossed approach for a competence-based learning (T29), Michela Tramonti

Abstract: Building on the eight key competences for lifelong learning identified by the European Commission in 2006, the KEYS (Key Methodology to Successful Competence-Based Learning) project aims to use and promote the results achieved by five previous Comenius Multilateral Projects which focused on the acquisition of key competences for lifelong learning. In this way, it aims to provide support to teachers and school educators for the implementation of competence-based education capable of responding to the requirements of contemporary life.

19.2 Towards the improvement of students' motivation in learning physics (T44), Marina Poposka

Abstract: In the light of the low popularity of physics in schools, it is considered that teachers should put renewed efforts into finding ways of boosting motivation and interest for learning this subject. The presentation will provide information on how to differentiate teaching methods and strategies in the teaching of physics processes, according to varying motivational factors and differentiated needs.