Parallel sessions III

14. Teacher training and continuous learning

14.1 Promotion of science vertically (T07), Natalija Bohinc Zaveljcina

Abstract: Interest in the natural sciences is becoming more and more popular and desirable among students. Since pupils and children acquire this knowledge even faster and with greater enthusiasm, it was decided to invite younger generations (aged 5 to 10) to participate in some amazing science workshops. The young visitors were thrilled by the workshops (chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics and gym), and so were their accompanying teachers, who expressed their satisfaction in their feedback. The presentation will focus on the results and development of these workshops.

14.2 Teacher education by science centre pedagogy (T45) Hannu Salmi

Presentation not available Abstract: The Department of Teacher Education at the University of Helsinki, in cooperation with Heureka (Finnish Science Centre), has developed a course for both aspiring teachers and teachers wanting to further their professional development. This course has been running for twenty years for all trainee teachers in Helsinki, with the development work being conducted as part of several European projects, such as Hands-on & Brains-on, CONNECT, PENCIL, Science Center To Go, Natural Europe, Fibonacci, PATHWAY, Open Discovery Space, and INSPIRE.

14.3 Strategies for Assessment of Inquiry Learning in Science (SAILS) (T72), Eilish McLoughlin

Abstract: The Strategies for Assessment of Inquiry-based Learning in Science (SAILS) project (2012-2015) has been funded by EU 7th Framework Programme to support teachers in adopting inquiry-based science education (IBSE) at second level ( This will be achieved by utilising existing resources and models for teacher education in IBSE, both pre-service and in-service. In addition to SAILS partners adopting IBSE curricula and implementing teacher education in their countries, the SAILS project will develop appropriate strategies and frameworks for the assessment of IBSE skills and competences and prepare teachers not only to be able to teach through IBSE, but also to be confident and competent in the assessment of their students' learning.

14.4 ASSIST-ME: Assess inquiry in science, technology and mathematics education (T73), Jens Dolin

Abstract: The overall aim of ASSIST-ME is to provide a research base on effective uptake of formative and summative assessment for inquiry-based, competence oriented Science, Technology and Mathematics (STM) education in primary and secondary education in different educational contexts in Europe and to use this research base to give policy makers and other stakeholders guidelines for ensuring that assessment enhances learning in STM education.