9. Energy, engineering and nanotechnology |
9.1 STE&M intertwined – Learning by analogy (T06), Yair Ben-Horin |
| Abstract: The integrated study of STEM subjects, as in the science and engineering track, offers a significant pedagogical advantage. Rather than studying each subject separately, students enjoy diverse, multi-disciplinary classes that enable a broader and more adequate perspective. This means integrating different fields as opposed to just studying them in parallel. Thus, to the straightforward acquisition of knowledge, the ability to create connections between different ideas and different fields is added – all of which raises the value of the knowledge the students accumulate. |
9.2 The Green Agents Mission (T13), Anna Christodoulou |
| Abstract: The Green Agents Mission is an educational programme for sustainability, focusing on energy consumption. The aim of the project was to develop an energy curriculum that would help students aged 9-12 understand the science behind current environmental issues, so as to help reduce electricity use in their schools and to spread the word in their community. The curriculum developed links everyday life (electricity usage and carbon footprint) with global environmental issues, like the enhanced greenhouse effect and climate change. |
9.3 From NanoYou to secondary school Nano studies (T47), Nira Shimoni-Ayal |
| Abstract: Following surveys taken during the early 2000s which showed that most European citizens have a poor understanding of nanotechnology (NT) and its potential risks, it was decided that this needs to be rectified if the European public is to contribute positively to future decision-making about the use of NT. NanoYou (Nano for Youth) aimed to increase young people’s basic understanding of nanotechnologies (NT) and to engage them in the dialogue about NT’s ethical, legal and social aspects (ELSA). By the end of the project more than 160,000 visits were counted for the Web portal, from more than 100 countries.. |
9.4 Aquaponics in classrooms as a tool to promote system thinking (T62), Ranka Junge |
| Abstract: Aquaponics plays a part in promoting sustainable development on different levels in society, as well as representing a very valuable tool in education. “System thinking with Aquaponics“ is an educational concept developed in the FP6 Science and Society project WasteWaterResearch (www.play-with-water.ch), which aims to train students in system thinking by using a connected fish and plant culture system. System thinking is seen as a central skill in education for sustainability.. |