8. From early ages to long distances |
8.1 Enabling creativity and inquiry in early years (T50), Fani Stylianidou
Abstract: A research project which contributes to a better understanding of the potential available on the common ground that science and mathematics education in preschool and early primary school can share with creativity. More particularly, the project seeks to document and compare current policies and practices in science and mathematics education in preschool and the first years of primary school (up to age eight) in the nine European partner countries (Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Malta, Portugal, Romania and the UK), using a variety of methods from desk research to a survey and classroom-focused fieldwork. |
8.2 Teaching statistics in primary school (T14), Silvia da Valle
Abstract: The scientific society, institutions and the media recognise the key role of statistics in the current cultural context. The purpose of this presentation is to illustrate methods and results of the specific action plan designed by NPSL (Territorial network of experts in promoting statistical literacy) to support teachers at all school levels. A particular focus is on description of the related educational tools, available for free download from Istat’s institutional website, specifically designed and field-tested, to support the teaching of statistical curricular topics to the youngest pupils in primary school. |
8.3 How research teaching of cycles and symmetries of Sun movements and the Sun/Earth model affects knowledge and attitudes of pre-service primary teachers (T35), Asuncion Menargues Marcilla
Abstract: A project that tries to solve the problem of pre-service primary teachers who do not have a minimum scientific education and who have negative attitudes to science learning and teaching. It does this by testing the effects of in-depth teaching on diurnal astronomy (cycles and symmetries in Sun movement and their explanation, the Sun/Earth model) as oriented research in knowledge and attitudes of pre-service primary teachers. |
8.4 The Future Project: A new cooperation (T26), Roger Kennett
Abstract: The Future Project is based on the “Inspiring Australia” report (2011), which identified a need for activities which increase the involvement of young people in science and engineering in Australia, as well as developing their literacy about important issues in these areas. The main focus of the Future Project is to motivate and engage the next generation of scientists and engineers by providing students with the opportunity to collaborate with scientists and engineers, to solve real-world problems and to communicate this innovation to the broader public. |