Parallel sessions II

7. Projects II

7.1 Opening science to school students – 10 years on (T05), Anna Barton

Abstract: The Open Science project aims to motivate students to pursue further education and careers in the natural and technical sciences, which it does through offering opportunities to students, teachers and professional scientists. The project's core activity is focused on the organisation of individual student-scientist internships; thanks to this scheme, over 500 secondary school students (and since 2012 also university students), have been paired on a one-to-one basis with a scientific researcher at one of the Academy of Sciences' institutes or a partner university.

7.2 Bringing space exploration to a classroom near you (T64), Val Caldwell and Alex Blackwood

Abstract: If you have ever struggled to find space-related education resources to use when teaching science in the classroom or if you have never tried, then this is the session for you! We will tell you about an exciting project delivered by the IPN which took eight teachers from around Europe to Houston, Texas, to aid the development of an online resource and a community of practice for science teachers around the world. The IPN works closely with NASA and the international space community to offer teachers and students a unique experience in Houston where they are exposed to education resources alongside amazing role models who work in the space industry.

7.3 Implementing strategies in science teaching (T49), Menelaos Sotiriou

Abstract: A presentation on the proposed methodology to support creative strategies in science teaching through the pedagogical framework that has been developed by the CREAT-IT project and which integrates the arts with science teaching. This framework supports the implementation of a series of training workshops for teachers and subsequent work with their students in schools. The implementation stages will be evaluated so as to conclude with specific recommendations about practices which can be followed in the future.

7.4 PARRISE: integrating society in science education (T66), Ralph Levinson

Abstract: The PARRISE (Promoting Attainment of Responsible Research and Innovation in Science Education) project aims to foster Socio‐Scientific Inquiry-Based Learning (SSIBL) in schools throughout the primary and secondary sector. Its specific objective is to develop an appropriate framework for inquiry into matters relating to science and society as opposed to substantive science. This presents new epistemological and pedagogical challenges.