Parallel sessions I

3. Research and schools

3.1 ICRC Academy (T24), Zuzana Povolna

Abstract: Though science and research are not often pursued by students, there is a high demand for talented individuals willing to study natural science subjects and to be involved in research activities, underlying the need to motivate young people for a scientific career much earlier than during, or even after the end of their university studies. The ICRC Academy offers a solution to this situation: a unique platform offering a tool for motivation of high-school and university students for careers and further education in the field of science and research, particularly clinical research.

3.2 Posters as educational material for science (Special Education) (T38), Nikolaos Nerantzis

Abstract: Posters represent a visual tool that can be easily accessed on the Internet and can be extended (adding "patches"). The structure of the posters combines images, text, mathematics and sketches. A poster can be part of many lesson plans, for example, as an advance organiser, as a common reference content, summary material, a cross-thematic material, etc. In educational practices, except of the National Curriculum and guides for teaching students with Special Educational Needs, it integrates hands-on low-cost material activities, ICT, inquiry-based teaching (IBSE) and International Bureau of Education (IBE) principles.

3.3 Learning science In the 21st century (T43), Tania Pinto

Abstract: The low interest of students towards STEM education has been the subject of many recent studies, with one solution being that science subjects should be always connected to the students' interests. The teaching/learning methodology "Problem-Based Learning" (framed in Inquiry-based Learning), developed in a socio-constructivist perspective, assumes that pupils are involved in groups in the resolution of an authentic task/problem and the teacher acts as a facilitator of this learning process, assessing pupils' ability to question, to understand and to use available information..

3.4 GenPORT: an Internet portal for sharing knowledge and inspiring collaborative action on gender and science (T70), Jörg Müller

Abstract: GenPORT – an FP7 Coordination and Support action running from 2013 to 2017 – is a developing online community of practitioners, served by an Internet portal and made up of organisations and individuals working across the globe for gender equality and excellence in science, technology or innovation. GenPORT offers an arena for organisations and individuals to showcase and access the world's best research resources, practical materials, policy briefings, experiences, and much more. A wealth of gender and science resources has been produced over the years. However, despite the enormous potential for knowledge sharing, these resources are scattered in various locations, with varying degrees of visibility and usability. GenPORT will provide a single open entry-point to high-quality research, policy and practical materials on gender, science, technology and innovation (STI) in order to enhance the potential for their more effective exploitation.