About the project

For the last two decades, South-East Europe (SEE) has been facing severe and challenging outcomes of the climate crisis. Whether devastating floods, extreme hot and dry periods, or winds of unprecedented strength, climate change manifests itself across the region in a clear and alarming manner.

Three science institutions from the SEE region joined forces to address these issues through a project engaging schools, teachers and students. In each country, four primary schools with teams of (at least) two teachers and five students will be able to participate. Each country will select and award the best school team, with the winners from each country presenting their respective projects at the CARNET conference in Croatia in October 2022.

Participating teams should focus on the following:

  • mapping the status of basic climate conditions in schoolyards (temperature, humidity, wind, raining, cloudiness)

  • collecting, analysing and comparing findings with historic data averages

  • thinking, developing and proposing nature-based and creative solutions

  • discussing and theoretically testing their applicability and achievements

  • presenting the whole process and final achievements by using elements of artistic expression and creativity (video/ photography/ gaming/ dance etc.).

Latest news


Within the H2020 network of the Scientix 4 project, three science institutions from Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (CARNET, Center for the Promotion of Science and the University of Mostar)  joined forces to organise a competition.

Teams of mentors and students from a total of 12 schools participated in the competition (four schools from each partner country). The goal of this competition was to raise awareness of the effects of climate change that have affected South-East Europe in recent years and to become familiarised with the possibilities of mitigating such changes.

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The Partners

The project is supported by the Scientix STE(A)M Partnerships programme and its partnership consists of:

University of Mostar

University of Mostar

University of Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina), a higher education institution which organizes and offers university studies, scientific and professional work.



Croatian Academic and Research Network - CARNET


CARNET (Croatia), a public institution operating within the Ministry of Science and Education in the field of information and communication technology and its application in education


Center for the Promotion of Science - CPN


CPN (Serbia), a public institution based in Belgrade, Serbia, established in 2010 by the Law on Scientific Research with the task to promote science and technology.